You Will Not Treat Me Like This Again

You're not going to treat me like that again

Although the popular saying indicates “do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you”, we never think about what we are willing to accept that others do to us.

It seems like a play on words, but basically what you need to know is what others can do to you to cause you suffering. They will not always have the intention, of course, but that does not mean that we have to go through that bad moment.

Personal relationships are not easy at all. We talk about the partner, parents, co-workers, friends, siblings and even strangers. Today it is very easy to find “toxic” people who take away our strength and good energy. Therefore, heed these tips to avoid being made to suffer by others.

In addition to improving your relationships, you will feel much better about yourself. Defend your rights by not allowing:

Nonsensical discussions: People love to argue and fight, that’s more than clear. But that doesn’t mean you have to accept it and participate in discussions and fights, especially if they don’t lead anywhere. Don’t want to explain yourself all the time, remember that “your friends don’t need them, and neither do your enemies.”

People may or may not understand you, that depends on them. Therefore, do not waste your valuable time (or that of others) in turning over some unimportant issues or that may attract worse problems. When you realize that a conversation or interdict is going nowhere, you’d better intelligently put a brake on it.

Negativity: As we said before, many pessimistic people circulate around the world, who always look for the negative side of things, that nothing good makes them happy, etc. It is up to you to look at the glass half empty or full of each situation. In addition, these types of negative people do not help us achieve our dreams, but rather put a brake on our goals. Pessimism is contagious and takes away your energy.

Comparisons: Can there be anything more hateful in the world than comparisons? Yes, let yourself be carried away by them! It is useless to compare what they have with each other, because each person is different. The only person you are allowed to compare yourself to is yourself in the past, because ultimately, you just have to fight to improve yourself. Don’t let others test you.


Bullying: People who intimidate you with their words, gestures or actions are not good company. These individuals will want to use their mental, emotional or even physical power to bring out the best in you and strip you of your virtues. No one has the right to make you feel less or small. Defend what belongs to you, do not let others step on you to climb positions, no matter what technique they use.

The grudge: This feeling is not worth keeping or accumulating in our hearts. The vital energy you have every day should be used for more productive and positive things. Remember that it is better to apologize, forgive and turn the page than to be left with painful feelings, live in the past and be proud.

The memory of the past: Actually, the problem with yesterday is that we cling to it and cannot move forward. Many people will be able to use your past mistakes to poison your present, make you feel miserable, etc.

Life is short, do not anchor yourself to what happened yesterday, go ahead, continue on this path. Do not deny yourself with the things you have done, do not regret it. Learn to use them as learning and not to repeat those actions.

The obstacles to being happy: Nobody like you deserves to be happy. Remember this phrase and burn it if necessary. It doesn’t matter what others say or think of you. Nobody has the ability to judge you or hold you against what you have done more than yourself. Happiness is something that can be ephemeral or eternal depending on our attitude.

Appreciate everything you have, do not let envy or “bad vibes” sadden a single day of your life. Nothing and nobody is so important as to alter your good mood and your happiness!

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