When Leaving Everything Is The Only Option

When leaving everything is the only option

There are times when leaving everything is the only option. Far from being an act of cowardice or surrender, whoever chooses to pack their bags and look up at the horizon, wears the skin of the truly brave. Because in the end, one gets tired of holding a broken heart, crying secretly, and before the wind blows our soul away, we have to leave.

Leaving everything does not imply forgetting everything we have experienced or uprooting all our identities, all our ties. It is simply about transforming ourselves. To integrate the past, the present and the desire for a future, in the same being, in an entity capable of creating itself and not of “recreating itself” in suffering, in pain, in what is like a sand castle At the edge of the ocean, it no longer holds.

Somehow, all of us have come or will experience this same sensation. To perceive that part of what surrounds us has lost its meaning: something has just expired. There are those who have the urgent need to experience new things, while others, what they notice is the prevailing obligation to get away from what surrounds them. For your physical or emotional health.

Either way, leaving everything is not easy. In our luggage we are accompanied by fear and uncertainty, and although the head tells us “go away”, the heart feels unable to close that suitcase.

We suggest you reflect on it.

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Leaving everything is also an act of survival

Something that we have talked about numerous times in our space is that our brain does not like changes. A change involves risk and therefore a challenge to our survival. However, there is a type of situation where this internal architect of emotions, instincts and behaviors, gives us a very relevant touch of attention.

Let’s take an example. We have a time of intense stress. Our demanding environment pushes us to the limit. And even ourselves, far from managing this pressure, we let ourselves be carried away in this incessant tide. Now, one morning, when taking the subway to go to work, our feet and our mind take another course. We started walking and walking, until almost without knowing how, we reached the outskirts of the urban center, there where only calm, rest, balance lives.

We needed to “escape.” Our survival instinct suddenly takes over and offers us what can help us the most: distance and silence. Our brain does not like changes, but we have to bear in mind that it will do everything possible for you to survive, and therefore this invitation to “leave everything” translates into a need for “self-care” that we cannot ignore.

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As a curious fact we will tell you about John Tierney. This “New York Times” reporter wrote a book called “Willpower” that became a best-seller describing his own experiences with stress, anxiety, and external pressures.

He described how the “self-control” maintained over time can destroy us. Living in oppressive situations causes the aforementioned to happen sooner or later: our brain knocks on the table to make us understand the following: either we make a change or we simply lose everything.

Keys to find your true life

When leaving everything you have to be clear about why we are doing it and what objective we have in mind. Because when a person has a “why” he can go through any “how”. If you promote a change, you do it effectively, to be the one you really crave: someone happy, someone who is in charge, someone who gives himself a new opportunity to be happy.

  • When we go through these “emotional tsunamis” it is necessary to reflect and speak with ourselves. The best answer about what you should or should not do is within yourself.
  • Leaving everything is far from “escaping”, we indicated at the beginning. Therefore, you must make it very clear to your environment why you do it. Affirm yourself in your desires and your needs. Take full control of your actions.
  • . So we must manage fears and uncertainties. How? Transforming them into illusions.

Lastly, remember that our only purpose in this life is to “flourish.” Now, it is necessary to always find the best places, because not all scenarios are healthy to nurture our roots.

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