What Is Given From The Heart, Multiplies

What is offered from the heart, multiplies

Has that feeling ever invaded you that someone helps you, from the heart and with love, without expecting anything in return? That feeling is surely one of the most gratifying that we can feel, because thanks to it we feel united to others.

In the same way, the feeling that comes over us after helping those who need us without expecting anything in return is sometimes even better than what we feel when it is the other way around. Therefore, do not hesitate: give your heart to what you give to others; the reward will be much greater than what you will get by being selfish.

Put your heart in what you do

Giving from the heart is positive, not only for those who receive, but also for those who give: giving something without expecting exact reciprocity has positive consequences. One of the main ones is to feel satisfied with ourselves, which brings, nothing more and nothing less, a rise in our self-esteem. An increase in self-esteem that gives us security as individuals.

Hands together with a butterfly

When you do something for someone you care about, do not do it thinking about the benefit that it will give you in the future, because this implies that you are not putting your heart into it, but selfishness. And, in fact, many times the reward itself is feeling that we are contributing something to others.

In most cases, these people will appreciate what you have done for them and, somehow, it will come back to you. We must act with humility and helping those who deserve it, only this will make us aware of the true value of life.

Be grateful for what others do for you

The benefits of putting our hearts into what we give and what we do are also reflected in our ability to value the efforts that others make for us. As the saying goes, that “being born well is being grateful”, and indeed, we do not know to what extent another person is sacrificing to facilitate our path.

If we all stopped to think about what other people do to facilitate our day to day, surely, it would cost us less and less to appreciate the value of small gestures and unimportant actions. It is they who, in part, remind us that we need others as much as they need us.

Stop thinking that the reward has to be something material, because being the reason for someone’s happiness, even if it is momentary, is a precious feeling. And few things can fill us more than that, at least fully and lastingly. Think, is it not true that when we strive to achieve something, we are more proud of what we have done along the way than of the end we have reached?

The reward is greater if you don’t expect it

Realizing both things makes our true self open up to others, and the French writer Flaubert has already said that “ a heart is a wealth that cannot be bought or sold, but given away ”. In this sense, a reward such as someone opening their heart to us or that we can open ours without fear is something much stronger and more lasting than a material reward.

Man watering hearts

Therefore, it is good to be inspired by those who care about us, because their interest is not going to be other than our own well-being. The aim, therefore, is to give the best of ourselves in ourselves: we will be valued for who we are and not for what we offer or have. This is how you win the love and affection of others, also with strong and true love and affection.

Do not hesitate, put your heart in what you do. You will feel more satisfied and your reward will come multiplied.

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