Watch Out! Don’t Waste Your Talent

It is clear that talent makes us unique. Do you know that you too have a special talent waiting to be discovered?
Watch out!  Don't waste your talent

There is a mainstream that conceives talent as an acquired skill and has to do with the acquisition of knowledge and intelligence. From this point of view, talent is the result of the effort to acquire it and the training to develop it.

Behind this concept is born the conception that states that all people have the same potentialities. Therefore, each of us can do anything just as well. However, the one who makes the most effort will have the best results. So, people compete by spending energy to acquire greater capacity. This is the traditional concept.

It is here when that talent that we were able to polish, discover and above all develop is lost in clinging to wanting to be better than the other or wanting to be at their level, when many of the occasions it simply cannot be, because not all of us have the same abilities, gifts, circumstances or aptitudes.

Watch out! Don’t waste your talent

It is in this type of situation that we lose the opportunity to develop our true talent: imagine the child who wants to get the same grade as his classmate. He is so obstinate trying to resemble or surpass his partner, that he forgets his true needs, skills, vocation. Perhaps, by trying to live someone else’s life, you are wasting your own potentiality; his own talent.

In recent times, a new concept of talent has emerged , defined as an inherent capacity of the person and, therefore, that it does not have to be acquired. That is, it is within ourselves. You simply have to enhance it so that it emerges. From this perspective, it is defended that we should not spend our lives wanting to compete and stress about it, since we cannot force something that is not within our nature, our being.

In fact, we all have a talent for something special… We all have the same potential in origin, but the specific talent to do this or that differs from one person to another. People are not equal, but similar. That is, we can all do everything, but some will do things better than others.

For example, there are people who, for many hours that they train a day for years, can never be a professional soccer player like Cristiano Ronaldo. It is clear that this footballer was born with a special talent for this sport. It does not mean that he does not have to train, but that he will get much better results from training than the average person.

But there are things that a person – by his own nature – is in a position to do better than others. We have a natural tendency, a talent that makes us unique in fulfilling certain tasks and functions. Don’t you know which one is yours? You may not have discovered it yet, but having it you have it.

There are several types of talents

It not only has to do with intelligence, but also with movement (for example, of athletes), with communication-emotion and creativity. Talent is linked to both intelligence and movement. And it is possible to detect these innate qualities because most tend to emerge in various situations throughout life.

A person can demonstrate, by experience and academic qualifications, that he is, for example, an economist. But perhaps his talent is not in that profession, because it is something he has acquired and is not innate. Therefore, to see oneself without deluding oneself, without being conditioned by the opinions of others or of oneself, it is necessary to suspend reason. Talent is that ability that links you to a vocation, and that vocation gives you a sense of life.

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