Unforgettable Phrases By Krishnamurti

Unforgettable phrases of Krishnamurti

Jiddu Krishnamurti was an Indian thinker who left an important legacy of reflections. This universal man did not recognize any nationality, religion, social class or race. His thinking was in pursuit of harmony and the elimination of all kinds of borders.

He received the UN Medal of Peace in 1984. He died at the age of 90, but his work has been translated into several languages ​​and continues to be of great use. Here are some of his most important phrases for you to reflect on, go ahead!

Jiddu Krishnamurti phrases to be a better person

Woman with colorful balloons
  • “Between two solutions, always choose the most generous”.
  • Only if we listen can we learn. And listening is an act of silence; only a calm but extraordinarily active mind can learn ”.
  • “Only the individual who is not trapped in society can influence it in a fundamental way.”
  • Have you ever noticed that inspiration comes when you are not looking for it ? It comes when all expectation stops, when the mind and heart calm down ”.
  • “Freedom is essential for love; not the freedom of revolt, not the freedom to do as we please or to give in openly or secretly to our desires, but rather the freedom that comes with understanding “
  • “The decisive thing to bring peace to the world is your daily conduct.”
  • “Be careful with the man who says he knows.”
  • Fear corrupts intelligence and is one of the causes of egotism. “
  • “When the mind is completely silent, both on the superficial and deep levels; the unknown, the immeasurable can be revealed ”.
  • “By giving something a name we have limited ourselves to putting it in a category, and we think we have understood it; we do not look at it more closely. But if we don’t name it, we are obliged to look at it. In other words, we approach the flower, or whatever it is, with a sense of novelty, with a new quality of examination: we look at it as if we had never looked at it before ”.
Plant a tree
  • “Life is an extraordinary mystery – not the mystery in books, not the mystery that people talk about, but a mystery that one has to discover for oneself; and that is why it is so important for you to understand the small, the limited, the trivial, and go beyond all that. “
  • “When one is attentive to everything, one becomes sensitive, and being sensitive is having an internal perception of beauty, it is having a sense of beauty.”

Phrases full of wisdom

  • The truth is what liberates, not the effort to be free. ” “Freedom consists in recognizing the limits”
  • “Wisdom is not an accumulation of memories, but a supreme vulnerability to the true.”
  • “No one can put him in a psychological prison, he is already in it.”
  • Avoiding a problem only serves to intensify it, and in this process self-understanding and freedom are abandoned.”
  • “Nationalism is a process of isolation, which causes wars, misery and destruction.”
  • “Intelligence is the questioning of the method.”
  • “Love offers itself as a flower gives its perfume.”
Woman meditating
  • “They have to insist that they be given the kind of education that encourages them to think freely and without fear, that helps them to investigate, to understand; they must demand it of their teachers. “
  • A religious mind is one that is a light to itself. “
  • “You don’t understand first and then act. When we understand, that absolute compression is action ”.
  • “This means that they must watch themselves, that they must become more and more aware of the influences that seek to control and dominate them; it means that they must never accept thoughtlessly, but must always question, investigate and find themselves in a state of rebellion ”.
  • Simply observing requires amazing clarity; otherwise, it is not possible to observe ”.
  • “For political and industrial reasons, discipline has become an important factor in the present social structure, and it is because of our desire for psychological security that we accept and practice various forms of discipline.”

Image courtesy of Prabhu B Doss.

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