This Short Will Teach You The Magic Of Giving From The Heart

In Story Joy we learn the value of solidarity, as well as the powerful effect of giving from the heart: every good deed has its wonderful reward.
This short will teach you the magic of giving from the heart

If we allow ourselves to give from the heart, we will often, sooner or later, receive abundantly. This is what we discover in Joy Story, this beautiful animated short that tells the story of a puppy who goes fishing with his owner and meets an elegant and annoying heron. What happens between the two is an example of kindness, affection and understanding.

We know that there are many productions of this type. Every so often, Pixar surprises us with one of those little stories that, as a gift and an exercise in reflection, always go straight to the heart… to win us over. This is not going to be less. Arrived from China just a few months ago and directed by   

Likewise, the creatives of Passion Pictures also wanted to pay a small tribute to this 2018. Within Chinese culture, as we already know, this is the year of the dog. The protagonist of this story, which lasts just over 4 minutes, is therefore a small white puppy with a huge nose full of enthusiasm, but also misgivings.

That attitude, restless and distrustful, will be collapsed before the appearance of Heron, a friendly heron that in oriental culture symbolizes goodness …

Joy on the boat bringing us a teaching from the heart

An afternoon of fishing with many surprises

In the short that we will see next there is no voice. The magic of the looks, the power of those faces full of expressiveness, curiosity, concern, surprise and kindness say it all. Thus, curiously, the only human figure in this story always remains with his back turned, ignoring at all times what happens in that little small boat to which we are invited.

The plot begins with little Joy and his owner ready to start a quiet afternoon of fishing. The setting is ideal, the time more than perfect, satinizing such a serene calm where nothing seems to cloud what is going to be a good day between a man and his little puppy. Joy, has a happy heart, her eyes shine and her wet nose is aware of everything. He knows perfectly well that he must be very careful not to interfere with his owner’s fishing.

The encounter with a strange creature

Suddenly something happens. We see a strange and somewhat bizarre creature enter the scene. It is Heron, a friendly heron who stands right in the corner of the small boat with a very clear objective: to take the hooks, to steal those juicy worms. Little Joy, does not hesitate to prevent this act, as a good dog and faithful ally of his human, he rushes before the heron to frustrate his purpose … but he does not succeed. Heron takes the worm.

The scene will repeat itself several times. The heron, always skillful, expert and firm in its purpose, does not hesitate to take away those appetizing worms, thus leaving hardly any hooks for the fisherman and his dog.

Likewise, in each of those funny but frustrated struggles, little Joy always ends up losing and being reprimanded by his owner, who at no time is aware of what is happening. The only thing you perceive is the movement of the boat …

Heron and Joy bringing us a teaching from the heart

Give from the heart, an act with which we all win

Our protagonist is a dog who limits himself to doing what he has been taught: protecting what is his, defending his owner. However, the outcome of the story will teach us something important. It is not good to take ideas or motivations for granted. It is not appropriate to fall into quick attributions, stay only with appearances …

It is true that this bizarre bird was somewhat strange, that its image did not inspire confidence. Nor did their actions seem to be correct, but … why was he stealing their hooks? We all do attributions lightly, we all get carried away by our first impulses like little Joy does in this story.

However, if we look around we will discover that there are more worlds outside our little boat. We will realize that behind the peculiar appearances and behaviors, there are magical beings with their own needs. Creatures that live beyond those mental borders that we define with our biases, stereotypes and labels.

The heron Heron did not steal for pleasure, nor were worms for her. Little Joy understands this immediately and does not hesitate to open his heart to him and offer him all the worms that are in the boat. What happens after that wonderful (and supportive) act shows us the powerful effects that daring to give from the heart can have.

Let’s learn from this special short. Let us learn from this dog and this heron and not remain like that fisherman who does not notice anything, who leaves behind the most special, magical and transcendent things in life.

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