There Are Loves That Are Like An Egg Without Salt

There are loves that are like an egg without salt

There are loves that are like an egg without salt, insipid loves without substance that are anchored in a monotonous situation that, in the long run, drowns them. A reality that affects many couples, although perhaps they have already taken it as a regular, something that “has to happen.”

However, we can change this, as long as we want. To recover that spring in which our love inspired and move away from that autumn that seems closer and closer to winter. Darling does not age like we do. If it does, it is because we allow it. Maybe we are tired of maintaining it, of cultivating it.

We make the mistake of leaving the caresses, the cuddles, the loving words in a chest that now lives in the past. Before, it was important for us to show the person we still love how much we felt for them. At what point do we stop repeating it to him and fall into the comfort of assumptions?

Insipid loves, aged loves

We have heard many times that love ends, that it dies, that it changes over time … We blame it over the years to feel better about ourselves and not take responsibility that we are not doing things right.

It is not just that we abandon ourselves, it is that we put aside what with so much effort and passion cost us years ago. Now, since we already have it, do we stop trying? First, it was one; then the other. In the end we became two people who allowed their love to fade, to now reside in a simple memory.

insipid love couple

At this point the aforementioned arises, the assumptions. Those that cause so many mistakes in our interpersonal relationships. But, where they affect the most is in relationships. It is better to repeat ad nauseam, to get fed up with always saying the same thing than to take for granted what, perhaps, is not so.

“Why am I going to tell my husband that I love him if he already knows it”, “It is not necessary for me to kiss him, he already knows that I wish him”, “we are old enough to cuddle in public” … Surely all these phrases, which turn into thoughts, are very familiar to you. Many couples share them.

However, in an earlier time you did not mind saying “I love you” infinitely many times to the love of your life. You always gave him a kiss when he walked out the door when he went to work. You weren’t thinking about the appropriateness of the situation to shake hands or an unexpected hug. It was born of you, you wanted to feel your partner close. You wanted to show her again and again how you felt about her.

Loves succumb due to our bad attitudes. We stop thinking about the other person and focus on ourselves. We justify under the “you already know” our inability to continue giving everything.

The relationship does not roll alone, it is not self-sufficient. She needs to be constantly fed, day by day, with more care as we have been together for more years because there are also more circumstances that threaten to wear her down. You look with envy at all those old men who walk hand in hand, who respect each other, who do not hide their expressions of affection in public and you wonder … how did they do it? Taking care of and attending to that feeling so sincere, so sought after, so long awaited as love is.

A reciprocal feeling that does not understand repetitions or rational reflections. The moment we suppose, think and believe, love weakens. This must be free to be able to feel and live it to its full extent. It is never boring, we hate it. It never becomes insipid, we are the ones who become simple.

distant couple

Loves are sustained if the hands that do it are safe and willing to give everything today, tomorrow, always … The years do not matter. Only attitude matters.

Images courtesy of Jarek Puczel

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