The Sensitive Person Is Of Few Words, But His Interior Speaks At Every Moment

The sensitive person is of few words, but his interior speaks at every moment

The sensitive person speaks his own language, that of emotions. It is a very intimate perceptual language, one where the heart is always on the surface and in moments, one can feel vulnerable. However, something these people understand very well is that vulnerability can be an exceptional gift, a psychic tendon full of strengths. Also, of dangers of course, but to minimize risks there is also a powerful weapon: emotional intelligence.

The sensitive person has always been there, camouflaged and sometimes even diluted in the human landscape. At the same time, something we all know is that it is not easy to live in a world that forces us to be similar, to react in the same way, to see reality through the same glass … as if we all had the same diopters and spoke the same emotional language.

The day-to-day life of the highly sensitive person often has the shape of the back of a hedgehog or the texture of the prickly stem of a rose. Everything hurts a little more and in turn also excites them more. Something like this is strange in the eyes of an immune and unfamiliar viewer of such sensitivity, to someone who without respect or conscience does not hesitate to tell them that of “you take it all to the tremendous thing, you have to be harder / and wake up from a time”.

However, how to do it? According to different works, such as that of Dr. Ted Zeff in his book “Survival guide for the highly sensitive person”, they have a hypersensitive nervous system and brain areas that function at greater intensity, such as the insula and of those regions related to empathy and emotional reactivity.

It is not possible to “be tougher” when you have a brain that tunes in to the world through another frequency. Nobody can become something that is not, nobody can lower the volume of their own emotions when they overwhelm us, when the soul speaks to us and reality, suddenly, lights up with incredible nuances that only oneself can see …

sheets glued to glass

The sensitive person and the excessively high volume of their surroundings

It is possible that many of us have the classic friend or relative that we affectionately call  the “look at me and don’t touch me.”  We are struck by its refined sense of smell and above all of touch. There are certain fabrics that you cannot wear because they hurt you, because they itch, because they give you allergic reactions.

Sometimes a simple pinch or a louder noise than normal causes severe pain. They are also the ones who, being in the middle of a meeting or at a party, end up retired in a corner wanting to go home.

His sensory threshold perception is different, in fact, as we explained Judith Orloff, a psychiatrist and author of ” L ib emotional ertad”  every stimulus multiply them by 50. Now, not everything has to be painful, that delicate perceptual and emotional threshold also has the ability to tune into the beauty of life in such an intense way that the vast majority of us escape it.

To say therefore that high sensitivity is a gift is not a mistake, although yes, the person must be skillful when it comes to properly managing and filtering each stimulus they receive. When they succeed, when they manage to apply a protective shield in their environment to take care of their self-esteem and emotional integrity, they reach an exceptional level of sensitive maturity.

They are the ones who capture the singularity of the details, they who reach fullness in silence, in their precious moments of solitude, where any activity, especially artistic ones, becomes vibrant, like a synaesthetic burst of sensations, of pleasures. , of subtle emotions difficult to explain for those who do not belong to that 20% of the population in which highly sensitive people (PAS) are included.

hand touching the rainbow light representing the sensitive person

The highly sensitive man and his world of silence

Alex is meeting his sister for coffee after work. He explains that he has had a knot in his stomach all day and that he feels deeply exhausted. His boss has made a few observations about his job as sales manager, little criticisms that Alex has not taken very well. In fact, they have affected him so much that his other colleagues have been ironic all day with the subject. Even more, he knows that in the office he already has a nickname:  “the drama-queen.”

This simple example shapes a complex reality that many PAS men experience, because in reality, high sensitivity is not exclusive to the female gender. Half of the highly sensitive population is male, and it is they who are most coerced by a society that still does not look favorably on the “sensitive man”, that person who experiences his emotions on the surface, the one whom criticism hurts him more, that one with an easy tear, who prefers solo sports and who empathizes very intensely with his surroundings.

boy on rocks on a beach representing a sensitive person

Despite the fact that high sensitivity is a subject already known to the general public, there are many people who continue to live in that silent corner where to look and be silent, where not to be noticed, where sometimes keep the prudent distances so as not to be too damaged. . Each one survives as best he can in a world of pins, we know that; however, respect, and that vital principle of “being and letting be” should stand out in all our environments so that we all achieve true personal fulfillment.

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