The Most Beautiful Flower In The Garden, A Japanese Story

In this Japanese story the protagonist is a young woman who loved the beauty of flowers, but did not know how to grow them. The Japanese highly value the art of growing and know that some flowers are more difficult to grow than others.
The most beautiful flower in the garden, a Japanese story

The Japanese highly value the ability of some people to cultivate, be it a flower, intellect, friendship or any other aspect and value. The mere fact of dedicating dedication and patience to this noble art is a source of respect for them. That is why this Japanese story tells us precisely about that, about the art of farming.

They say that in a remote town in the eastern country, lived an elderly couple who were older than time itself. They were both almost centenarians and everyone admired them because they had, according to what was said, the most beautiful garden on Earth. Flowers grew there that no one else could grow, and the scent of the plants intoxicated the air for miles around.

The Japanese story says that the elderly knew that they did not have long to live. What they most regretted was saying goodbye to their garden. They didn’t want a lifetime’s work to have an uncertain destination. Therefore, they agreed that they would give it to the gardener who most deserved it. But what was that?

Flowers in the garden

A wonderful contest

After thinking about it for several days, the elders concluded that it was best to hold a contest among the gardeners. This was the only way to know which of them was worthy of the fabulous garden. What they did, then, was ask the people of the region to spread the news.

According to this old Japanese story, the elders sent the message that whoever was interested in inheriting the garden, should show up on the first full moon night of that month. Those who appeared would be given an assignment. Adequate compliance with it would determine the result. The news spread like wildfire and the most prestigious gardeners in the East were interested in competing.

The maid of the two elders had a daughter, who deeply loved that garden, but knew nothing about gardening. That is why he felt sorry when the contest was discussed. Surely the winner was no longer going to allow his daughter to return to that enchanted place and she was going to be very sad.

The woman told her daughter about the contest, so that she was getting ready to say goodbye to the beautiful garden. However, this Japanese story says that the girl decided to participate in the event, even though she had no chance of winning.

The Japanese history of the test

When the appointed date arrived, the most famous gardeners of the East were present. Also the maid’s daughter, who wanted, at least, to see the garden for the last time. At the right moment the elders came out and informed them that they would give everyone a seed. They had to cultivate it and, after three months, whoever brought the most beautiful flower would win the contest.

The Japanese story tells that everyone came out very excited, including the maid’s daughter. It was a fair test and everyone was going to do their best to perform it in the best way. The girl set about cultivating the seed the next morning. He knew that he was at a disadvantage compared to expert gardeners, but he thought that what he did not have in knowledge, he had more than enough in love for the garden of the elderly. So I would do my best to grow the most beautiful flower.

However, the days passed and the seed did not sprout. She watered it patiently. He took it out in the sun and let the wind give it, but nothing. No matter how careful he was, nothing happened. The girl felt sorry, but also determined to go through with it.

Hand with plant

The most beautiful flower

Time passed and the day of the test arrived. According to Japanese history, the girl’s seed was the same as on the first day. Still, she wanted to go to the audition to say goodbye to the beautiful garden that she loved so much. Maybe that was the last time I could see him.

Gardeners began to arrive from all corners. Each one of them brought splendid flowers, with exquisite aromas and wonderful colors. The girl was surprised. He had never seen many of the rare species in that room.

The elderly couple began to inspect each of them. They observed the flowers carefully and evaluated them. The Japanese story says that when they got to where the girl’s seed was, they barely looked and continued on.

When the verdict came, the elders ruled that the winner was the maid’s daughter. Nobody could believe it. Angry voices were heard demanding an explanation. Then the elders told them that all the seeds they had been given were sterile. They gave the award to the girl because she was the owner of the most beautiful and most difficult flower to cultivate: honesty.

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