The Legend Of The Rainbow Bridge, The Heaven Of Our Pets

The legend of the Rainbow Bridge, the heaven of our pets

The legend of the Rainbow Bridge tells that when the four-legged angels (and any other creature that we have loved) say goodbye to us and with a sigh they let out their last goodbye, they cross this bridge. On the other side of it are meadows and hills where they can run, play and enjoy their innocence …

They say that there, on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, there is enough space, food, water and sun for all of them to feel good. Furthermore, according to this legend, all those who have been ill, mutilated or cruelly injured, see their health restored and overflow with joy.

According to this beautiful legend of the Rainbow Bridge, our friends are happy and satisfied except that they miss someone special that they left on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. So suddenly, while everyone runs around and plays, someone stops and fixes his bright gaze on the horizon.

Boy walking through a forest with his dog

The reunion of our souls according to the legend of the Rainbow Bridge

His body shudders and with great excitement he separates from his group running across the field quickly. They see us in the middle of the bridge and they run quickly to greet us. The legend of the Rainbow Bridge tells us that then, humans and animals, friends of the soul, we met and never ever parted.

His wet licks bathe our face and our hands cannot help but caress our four-legged angel, our beloved creature. So, according to legend, we remain united for all eternity through a mutual wise gaze full of love and nobility.

The legend of the Rainbow Bridge fills our hearts with hope at the loss of our beloved animals. She helps us to understand metaphorically that when an animal leaves this world, it remains in our hearts even though we cannot physically enjoy its warmth.

Human hand with that of a dog making a heart

The Rainbow Bridge of abandoned animals

The legend of the Rainbow Bridge does not forget those animals that could not, in life, enjoy the love of a person. Thus, the emotional story of our legend continues in this way …

“Suddenly on the Rainbow Bridge, it woke up differently than normal days so full of sun; this was a cold and gray day, the saddest day you can imagine. The newcomers did not know what to think, they had never seen such a day there. But the animals that had been waiting the longest for their loved ones knew perfectly what was happening and they were gathering on the path that leads to the Bridge to watch.

They waited a bit and a very old animal arrived, with its head very lowered and its tail trailing. The animals that had been there for a long time knew immediately what their story was because they had seen this happen many times. This little animal was approaching slowly, very slowly, it was obvious that it was in great emotional pain, although there were no physical signs of pain.

Unlike the other animals waiting on the Bridge, this animal had not returned to its youth, nor had it returned to being full of health and joy. As he walked towards the Bridge, he saw how all the other animals were looking at him. He knew that this was not his place and that the sooner he could cross the Bridge, he would be happy. But this would not be so. When he approached the Bridge, an angel appeared and with a sad face asked him for forgiveness and told him that he could not cross. Only those animals that were accompanied by their loved ones could cross the Rainbow Bridge.

Person with his dog

One of the newcomers to the Bridge did not understand what he had seen and asked another to explain what was happening. “Do you see that poor animal and the others who are there with him? They are the animals that never had a person. This at least reached a shelter; He entered the shelter just as you see him now, an older animal, with gray hair and somewhat cloudy eyesight. But he never managed to leave the shelter, and he died only with the affection of his caretaker to accompany him while he left the land. As he did not have a family to give him his love, he has no one to accompany him to cross the Bridge ”.

The first animal thought for a moment and asked: And now what will happen?  Before receiving the answer, the clouds began to break and a very strong wind made them disappear. They could see a person, alone, approaching the Bridge, and among the older animals a whole group of them was suddenly bathed in a golden light and again they were young and healthy animals, full of life. “Look and you will know,” said the second.

dog with girl

Another group of animals that were waiting, also approached the road and lowered their heads as that person approached. As they passed in front of each head, the person touched each one of them, giving some of them a caress, others lovingly tearing their ears … The rejuvenated animals began to line up behind them and followed the person towards Him. Bridge. Then they crossed the Bridge together.

“What was that?” the first animal asked. And the second said: “ That person was a great lover of animals and worked in their defense. The animals you saw lowering their heads in respect were the ones that found new homes thanks to the efforts of such people. Of course, all those animals will cross the Bridge when their time comes, when those who were their new families arrive.

But the ones you saw older and then rejuvenated were the ones who never found a home … and since they had no family, they couldn’t cross the Bridge. When a person who has worked on the land arrives to help abandoned animals, they are allowed one last act of rescue and love. All those poor animals for whom they could not find families on earth are allowed to accompany them so that they can also cross the Rainbow Bridge ”.

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