The Fear Of The Unknown, One Of The Most Common Fears

All of us, to a greater or lesser extent, fear the unknown. However, this fear can paralyze us and prevent us from moving forward in life. Here we tell you more about this fear and some guidelines to escape from it.
The fear of the unknown, one of the most common fears

Fear is one of the most basic and useful emotions that we can experience. Throughout history, it has allowed us to face dangerous situations and escape from them, making it easier for us to survive. Thus, people learn valuable information after facing a threatening situation. We remember what the main danger was and how we got over it. Instead, there are fears that are based, specifically, on the lack of that information, as is the case with the fear of the unknown.

The fear of the unknown is a universal and intrinsic feeling, according to specialists it is a fundamental fear. Uncertainty is part of life, because generally we do not know what is going to happen or how. In this sense, there are people who better cope with that feeling, approaching and considering possible resolutions. However, other people have a harder time going through this situation and become emotionally blocked.

Sad woman doubting

The fear of the unknown

Among psychology specialists it is also known as intolerance of uncertainty. Thus, it is defined as the tendency to experience fear in the face of a situation or object that lacks information, since it is perceived as a danger. That is, feeling fear in the face of a situation or a stimulus that we do not know what is going to bring us, accompanied by the perception that it will not be something pleasant.

The origin of this fear, taking into account some individual differences, is evolutionary. Our ancestors exposed themselves to a multitude of dangers and, although they learned from many of them, the risk they took when entering unknown areas could be very great. In fact, the brain seems to be primed to fear the unknown.

Apparently, uncertainty is encoded in the brain in its own neural system. In addition, when we are faced with something new, one of the first filters that information passes through is whether that object or situation is threatening or not. To determine if something is threatening, our neural networks access a kind of warehouse looking for memories of past experiences. If it does not find any prior information, it is classified as threatening.


Some research studies on fear of the unknown have found that it increases the activity of the amygdala and hippocampus, increases negativity related to making mistakes, and activates the Inhibitory Behavior System. That is, uncertainty causes us fear, negativity and paralyzes us, causing us to escape from new situations.

Having this fear was and is adaptive to the extent that it makes us act with caution in the face of potential dangers. However, the intensity of fear can compromise other activities. In due course, for example, seek food or shelter. Now, look for new opportunities or meet new people.

This paralysis caused by fear of the unknown and its consequent impediments seems to make people more accepting of negative consequences rather than tolerating fear and dealing with it. In addition, according to a study, it seems that this fear is related to other psychological disorders : anxiety, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress, substance abuse, depression, etc.

Man reflecting with eyes closed

5 guidelines to overcome it

Intense fear of the unknown can be the origin and consequence of other psychological disorders, preventing a normal life from being carried out in personal, work and social areas. In that case, it would be appropriate to go to psychological therapy with a professional. In this sense, cognitive-behavioral therapy would be the best option, since it helps to identify and modify the thoughts that cause discomfort.

However, if fear is low, a series of guidelines can be followed to overcome fear and start exploring unknown terrain:

  • Accept and identify fear. The first step is to understand that fear is a natural emotion and that we all feel it. It is part of life and, generally, they are not based on rational thoughts. At the same time, you have to think about whether the fear is generalized or hides a more specific fear. For example, fear of dying.
  • Analyze if there is a specific cause. Fear is often not caused by a bad experience. However, it is useful to analyze whether the fear of the unknown is a product of the learning or the education received.
  • Question thoughts. Trying to dismantle the thoughts that lead us to fear is one of the most powerful tools. Questions like: “What evidence do I have to support my fear?”, “What evidence is there that something bad will happen?”, “What is the worst that can happen?” or put 3 examples in which you will face uncertainty satisfactorily, they are very useful to dismantle fear and reduce the anxiety it generates.
  • Accept the possibility of failure. Faced with a situation in which we do not know what can happen, the control of expectations is one of the variables that gains more weight in emotional management. Making a mistake is not a bad thing and in most cases it has consequences that we cannot rectify. On the other hand, failures really make sense when we learn from them, and the new can become truly exciting when we give ourselves the opportunity to experiment.

Fear of the unknown is a natural emotion that can save us some troubles. However, it can also prevent us from reaching certain goals or being surprised by life itself. Thus, an intelligent emotional management will be what makes us take advantage of this emotion in favor of our own interests.

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