Tell The Truth, Yes … But In A Kind Way

Tell the truth, yes ... but in a kind way

It is not always easy to say things, although we know that we must do it, it is most likely that we do not know how to carry it out. Being honest can be a difficult task, especially if what you have to say is sensitive.

Ironically, honesty is vital in human relationships, but saying things carelessly can ruin a good relationship. And we cannot confuse honesty with saying everything as it comes to us.

Delicacy and empathy are essential in these cases. Well, the way we communicate while we take others into account, are essential to preserve our relationships.

There are two types of situations in which a friend or loved one will need your honest opinion: when they ask for it and when you have to step in and say something for their own good.

In the first situation, your friend is simply asking for your thoughts. The second situation is much more complicated.

We are going to see what to do in each case, how to say things honestly but also kindly and, above all, tactfully.

be sincere and kind

Tell the truth kindly

When you have to say something, it helps to know how you can do it without sacrificing honesty or kindness. Here are some tips to help you:


# 1 – Think before you speak

Before saying anything, you need to know what you want to say. It does not matter if it is the answer to a direct question or something that comes from yourself.

Many times, when we think about what we are going to say and we hear it in our heads, we realize how rude, direct or insensitive it sounds.

Before you react and follow the impulse, have a little patience and reflect on it.

# 2 – Find a quiet moment

Saying things during a tense moment is the best way to create a conflict or aggravate an ongoing one. Whether they ask you or if you are the one who comments, you should do it when the two of you are calm.

So, find a good time or, if it’s something more urgent, try to calm things down before moving on.

# 3 – Say what you have to say softly, but without beating around the bush

Going around can make the other nervous and lead to misunderstandings. But this does not mean that you are direct. Remember the previous tips, especially point one. It is not about giving an injection, or misleading so that the other does not find out when the needle sticks.

Being direct but gentle will earn you a lot of points.

# 4 – don’t judge

Do not judge the other by what they do or what they think. Respect their point of view and keep it in mind so that they don’t feel offended when you have to tell them the truth about something.

Nobody has the absolute truth of anything, nor do we all know the experiences that others have lived to judge them just because we do not understand their vision of life.

Be kind


Recipe to be honest and kind at the same time

Deciding what to say and how to say it is not always easy. Here is a simple recipe that gives very good results.

To say things honestly and with kindness you need to mix the following ingredients well:

  • Stick to the facts
  • Avoid jumping to conclusions
  • Avoid appealing to your own feelings
  • Show appreciation for the other person

You may have to practice a bit, but with practice the results are spectacular.


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