Silence Is Essential To Regenerate The Brain

Silence is essential to regenerate the brain

Silence has been the source of many reflections throughout the ages. At the same time, we have saturated the places where we live with so much noise that it is increasingly difficult to find it. This means that more and more people, by not hearing noises, experience an abyss within themselves.

We have an ear that is currently overstimulated. The worst thing is that almost all those auditory stimuli that we receive from the outside are more or less alarming. Roars of cars, bustle, strident music, whistles, bells … well … nothing that inspires tranquility.

Experimenting with silence

Beyond these stimuli affecting our emotional state, science has also proven that it affects the brain. According to a study carried out in Germany by the   Research Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden , there are brain processes that can only be carried out in silence.

Until recently it was thought that neurons were unable to regenerate. However, with the development of neurogenesis this has proven to be a mistake. It is still not very clear what exactly promotes neuronal and brain regeneration. But there are already valuable clues in this regard, and one of them is silence.

Woman thinking silently

The German researchers initially did an experiment with a group of mice. The study consisted of leaving them in complete silence for two hours a day. At the same time an observation of their brains would be made to see if this caused any changes.

The result was overwhelming. After some time of being subjected to this routine, it could be observed that in all the mice studied there had been an increase in the number of cells within the hippocampus. This is the region of the brain that regulates emotions, memory, and learning.

The experts also found that the new nerve cells progressively integrated into the central nervous system and then specialized in different functions. In conclusion, the silence had produced a very positive change in the brains of the animals.

Silence helps structure information

The brain never rests, even when in a calm state we are completely still or sleep. This wonderful organ continues to function, but in a different way. When the body rests, other processes begin to develop that complement those that take place when we are active.

Brain of a man in silence

What basically happens is that a kind of debugging takes place. The brain evaluates the information and experiences to which we have been exposed throughout the day. Then organize and integrate the relevant information and discard what is not important.

This process is completely unconscious, but it produces conscious effects. That is why it happens that sometimes we find answers during sleep. Or we manage to see things from a new point of view, after having rested for a few hours.

The interesting thing about all this is that a similar process also occurs when we are silent. The absence of auditory stimuli has almost the same effect as rest. Silence, in general, leads us to think about ourselves and this purifies the emotions and reaffirms the identity.

The important effects on stress

Silence not only makes us smarter, more creative, and more confident. Silence also has very positive effects on states of anguish. Human beings are very sensitive to noise. So much so that many times we wake up startled by a falling object or by a strange sound.

Silent woman next to a boat

Research conducted at Cornell University found that children who live near airports maintain a high level of stress. And not only this. They also have higher blood pressure and have high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Fortunately, the opposite is also true. And this was evidenced by a study by the University of Pavia, in which it was verified that just two minutes of absolute silence are more enriching than listening to relaxing music. In fact, it was evidenced that blood pressure decreased and that people managed to feel more awake and calm after this small bath of silence.

As can be seen, silence produces great intellectual and emotional benefits. We could say that staying silent, at least for small periods of time a day, is a determining factor in brain health. And with it, a decisive element to improve our emotional state, health and quality of life.

Images courtesy of Magdalena Berny

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