Move Around And The Path Will Appear

Move and the road will appear

Move and the path will appear. You may not do it today, or tomorrow, but with each firm step your mind clears and opportunities arise. It does not matter how many times you have been lost, because on each wrong path we find ourselves, and that learning is undoubtedly the most valuable.

Life is movement, and if we do not assume it from the beginning in this way, we will be relegated to the ostracism of those who do not understand that after changes come opportunities or that it is not enough just to wait for happiness to knock on our door. Every achievement comes after a fight. All success happens after the fierce dedication of those who invest time, those who understand sacrifices and that will where the word surrender does not fit.

Now, there is something that sometimes goes wrong with this formula. We have been taught since childhood that we must be able to fight for our dreams. We strive to cultivate ourselves through studies, we nurture hopes and hope to one day be that specialized and cutting-edge workforce capable of creating a better world where our efforts, our worth, are taken into account.

However, this is not always the case. As Nicholas Kristof, a journalist specializing in human rights, once explained, we have reached a point in our modern society where opportunities, or more specifically, “equal opportunities” seem to have ended  . It may seem fatalistic, there is no doubt, but many will agree that.

We are facing a formula that is beginning to fail and that perhaps requires another approach. You have to start another type of path. We invite you to discover it below.


The path of inequality and personal chaos

This is not the time to delve into political issues, but we are facing a reality that has a clear impact on our psychological health. The personal chaos that this context can lead us to is immense, which is why it is vital that we keep our inner compass afloat to learn to survive in a changing environment, relentless at times and very insensitive to people’s needs.

It is very possible that for a long time we have focused our vital strategy in the wrong way. We look for our way outside. We have worn the soles of our shoes and exhausted our hearts in search of opportunities among multiple trails, streams and winding roads that have led us nowhere. Perhaps it is time to turn our gaze to another path: that of ourselves.

Next, we explain what this new proposal consists of.


Inner movement and creation

Carl Gustav Jung already said it, if we look outside, we dream; but if we turn our gaze inward, we wake up . It is therefore time to wake up. It does not matter how old we are, if we are adolescents or if sixty winters have already passed through our lives, the truth is that we still have countless springs left and it is necessary to fully enjoy them by initiating an internal revolution.

. We look for work, we look for a partner, we look for new opportunities and we look for that dream happiness with which we feel alive. It is time to use another verb: “create to allow them to find us. Let’s see the steps to follow.


Keys to find your way

Something that specialists in personal growth propose to us is that we must first understand what we are facing. Recognizing our enemy instead of resisting him can help us to have a more realistic view of things.

  • Inner connection. At present there is an area that is becoming more and more relevant: that of intuitions. Who is able to listen, trust and understand their own intuitions will have a real connection with their needs. In addition, you will obtain that vital and unconscious learning that is part of our personality.
  • Face the contradiction. If there is something that we face every day, it is contradiction.  If I have so much to offer, why doesn’t anyone take me into account? Why are they rejecting me? Maybe I’m not good enough for the world? The danger of these kinds of vital contradictions is that they undermine our self-esteem. Let’s put aside this continuous confrontation to become aware of our strengths, our aptitudes and abilities. Let’s reinforce them.
  • In a world of equal people, dare to be different. So far, you have tried to find your way by moving in the same directions as everyone else. There are too many of us doing the same thing, society and the education received have been in charge of giving the world similar people who think the same way, so … what if we try to be different?

Delve into your abilities to exploit them and offer new things to this demanding society. Instead of searching, dare to create, to innovate, to shape a path that is born directly from your heart to seduce others. At the end of the day  , success is not in having power, success is in doing what makes us happy while serving as inspiration to others.


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