Love Yourself So That They Love You

Love yourself so that they love you

How can you ask a person to love you if you don’t love yourself? It is impossible to feel good about others if we do not start with our own hearts. So love yourself! In this way, you will embark on a path that will lead you to know the best of yourself and to investigate the depths of your interior.

So, we are going to show you some of the keys to improve your self-esteem.

Love yourself Tips to love yourself

If you need other people to love you, you have to start with yourself. In this sense, we can give you a series of tips that can be very useful to begin to value yourself as the person you are.

-Watch what you think of yourself

Young girl hugging herself

We begin with this phrase from the wonderful singer Gloria Gaynor, since it is perfect to illustrate this first advice.

The only person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with for sure is you. So, love yourself because the being you should think well of is inside you. Maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself is essential to move through the different situations that we will encounter on our way. If we love each other in a healthy way, adversities can be seen as opportunities to learn about ourselves.

Do not forget that you are a very valuable person. Think at all times how much you are worth and how well you do what you like. If you are not good at something, don’t worry, we are not all experts at everything! Some of us are better at some things and others, others.

If other people think it’s not worth it, don’t let it influence you to crush your self-esteem, because in the end, you may fall into the horrible pit of depression.

-Take time

Even if you are a very busy person, it is important that you find time for yourself on a daily basis. Find a hole in your schedule and save it every day to be alone with you. Who more or who less, has 15 minutes to sit down to disconnect and focus the mind on the present. In this way, we will be benefiting from a time for ourselves that will bring us calm, serenity and peace.

Think about how you are, what you have done right and wrong, when you have enjoyed and when you have suffered. In short, reserve a small portion of the day to get to know yourself a little more. Thanks to the time we dedicate to ourselves, we are able to know and value ourselves a little more. In this way, it is much easier to love ourselves, since we find our most intimate self, our true and wonderful essence.

-Practice your self-esteem

In order for others to love you, it is important to practice self-esteem. If we allow ourselves to be carried away by bad doomsayers, we will end up believing that we are worthless. That is, we need to believe in ourselves and stay away from toxic people.

-Avoid toxic people

People unable to value themselves only find the confidence to move forward undermining the self-esteem of their peers. In this way, they achieve small and bland successes that allow them to continue moving forward in life for short periods of time, until they need to crush someone again to receive a new impulse.

It is clear that this way of being is truly self-destructive. For this reason, these lonely, dependent and dictatorial beings become toxic people who need the closeness of others with weak personalities and low self-esteem.

People to whom we must avoid like the disease, because finally, the relations with them do not stop being truly harmful for the health of anybody. In reality, toxic people don’t love you no matter how much they shout it from the rooftops. They simply need you because they are unable to face themselves, their fears and their dark interior. Don’t get them wrong. If you have to degrade yourself to feel loved, you are actually living a lie.

-Take decisions

Another good exercise that we can do to love ourselves a little more every day is decision-making. Do not let others decide the direction of your life. Be yourself who chooses the path in the world you want to walk. This security is well perceived by other people, who will sincerely love you for it.

When we make decisions, we are no longer being carried away by the inertia of our learning. The great Buddhist teachers say that if we do not make decisions we are like a sailboat in the middle of the sea at the whim of the wind. However, if we propose to take control of our life, we will stop being blown away by the wind, and we will begin to set course for our existence.

Woman with hat walking on footpath

Love yourself a lot

Remember to love yourself a lot every day. Don’t get carried away by a stressful job, a possessive family, or a toxic environment.

If you really need and want to be loved, start with yourself. Make decisions, move forward in life with a firm step and do not let anyone take away your illusions, dreams or securities. People who are truly worthy of your affection will understand and love you for who you are. Love yourself very much.

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