Logical Intelligence Did You Know That Numbers Are Food For Your Brain?

Logical Intelligence Did you know that numbers are food for your brain?

Howard Gardner in 1983 gave strength to the current that defended that we cannot speak of a single intelligence, but of several – specifically, he identified 8 -, and that in no way these different intelligences are reducible to a single global intelligence. Thus, his book Multiple Intelligences  and his ideas continue to be today a reference in the study of intelligence and the classification proposed by one of the most accepted.

So far we have talked about physical and social intelligence, in this article we will talk about logical intelligence.

What is logical-mathematical intelligence

The logical or logical-mathematical intelligence is one that helps us to relate concepts in a schematic and technical way. Through it we reason and use logical thinking. According to Howard Gardner’s qualification, this is a type of formal intelligence that is usually manifested when working with abstract concepts or arguments of complex construction. It goes without saying that this type of intelligence is the one that prevails in mathematicians, scientists and philosophers.

This seems to be found mainly in the left hemisphere, the hemisphere of logic par excellence. It is set in motion when our brain must cross-link data and process it to obtain a result or a combination of results. It could be said that this is the only intelligence that can only be exercised by “installing programs.” In other words, logical intelligence can only be improved by practicing and analyzing existing cases or, failing that, combining data to approach the resolution through trial – error. It could be said that she is a ‘middle boss’ of the others. Not surprisingly, it provides method, order and meaning to our actions and / or decisions.

Exercise logical intelligence

Exercising it is not as easy or entertaining as the others could be. To “muscular” our logical intelligence we will have to ‘feed’ our brain data and confront it with questions that make it think. For example, with the following activities:

1. Do math problems or sudokus so that your left brain is activated and connects that area of ​​intelligence.

2. Ask yourself things that involve a mental effort. Read about things that are hard for you to understand and try to ‘digest’ them.

3. Reflect on things and rationalize them. Look for inexplicable events and play to find a logical explanation for them.

4. Make plans and outline them. Write its temporal sequence, its possible variations …

5. Make lists! The left brain and logic loves lists. Ask yourself questions and try to make lists of their answers weighing all those points of view that are possible for you.

If you are able to feed your logical intelligence daily with one of those simple exercises, you will realize that you reason more quickly, that your decision-making capacity increases and, finally, that you can plan innately and almost without trying. What do you say? We tested it? To plan it has been said!

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