Good Morning, Vietnam

Good morning, Vietnam was a very controversial film that chronicled life in Vietnam during the war between the US and the northern communists
Good morning, Vietnam

Saigon, 1965. The announcer Cronauer is recruited by the Armed Forces of the United States to fill a position in the military radio station. Cronauer , used to the laid-back lifestyle of his latest destination, Crete, must face the strict rules of Sergeant Major Philip Dickerson in Vietnam. The humor and politically incorrect style of the radio presenter will win him enemies in the high command, but will win the sympathy and respect of the soldiers at the base. So begins Good Morning, Vietnam.

Good Morning, Vietnam  is a film directed by Barry Levinson (“Sleepers,” “Rain Man,” “Smoke Screen”) . It was released in 1987 and was a great success with both critics and the public. The film marked, first and foremost, the fame of Robin Williams, who won the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Comedy and was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor.

The feature film starts with a clear objective: our existence will be better if we are tolerant and if we let humor be more present in our lives. The main character, Cronauer , acts as, let’s call it that, “conscience.” Robin Williams plays a modern martyr who is willing to sacrifice his professional career to exalt sincerity and humor.

Positive attitude and humor: key to enjoying optimal mental and mental health

How important is it that we put a little humor in our life? The answer is simple: a sense of humor is key. Humor is essential to make the reality that we have to face every time we get up in the morning more bearable. If we observe everything that happens to us from the humor, giving the facts a certain joviality, our life will be more bearable.

If we have the predisposition to laugh at ourselves, we will be in  better spirits. The mere fact of taking perspective of any action, and of targeting ourselves for criticism, anticipating that of others, is a significant clue that we possess a certain kind of intelligence.

Another topic that “ Good Morning, Vietnam ” addresses is that of integrity. Cronauer is removed from his position as an announcer, among other reasons, because he tries to tell the truth of what is happening in Saigon, during the military conflict between North Vietnam and the United States.

Cronauer attends the barbarity of war, in the heart of the city, and decides to write a story in his own handwriting. You are warned that you cannot read a story without going through a filter, but despite everything, the presenter decides to break the rules and tell the facts in a truthful way.

Good morning, Vietnam and the importance of having a positive predisposition

The predisposition is essential if we want our life, and that of those around us, to be full. We refer, of course, to the positive predisposition. Being positive is better than being negative. The optimist is generally in a better mood than the pessimist (although the pessimist is usually more realistic).

We must not forget the following teaching that Good morning, Vietnam transmits to us : we must start from reality, and be as subject as possible to it. But, once this “brand” is established, we can face what happens around us from a somewhat illusory attitude. This is a more than legitimate reaction.

Having illusion and betting on the fantasy is not bad. If we use the unreal with skill and responsibility, the results can be very beneficial for us; We are talking about using our imagination so that our spirits and our physiques enjoy bomb-proof health. This is what Good morning, Vietnam wanted to convey to us  .

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