Five Great Lessons From Depression

Five great lessons from depression

Depression, as such, does not warn: it can appear from one moment to another.  Although some symptoms may appear (even well in advance), the difference between the tendency and the condition is the same as that between being one step away from a deep hole and falling into it. It can happen after an immense joy or just at the moment when we thought we had achieved everything.

The look of a child, observing a sunset or other daily events, apparently friendly and comforting, or even inconsequential, can be the means that causes the crisis. For example, starting a recapitulation of life or evoking a particular fact of our existence, of which points remained to be resolved. That is when the storm begins, which until now had been asleep.

woman with covered face suffering from depression

Depression and teaching not to worry

We don’t “pre-occupy ourselves.” That is, not anticipating a concern that causes us anguish without becoming disinterested or apathetic in the face of situations and problems of existence. Worry about the future and helplessness in the face of uncertainty, and the vicissitudes of life, frequently lead us to a state of recurring fear and this in turn can lead to deep depression.

Existence can become confusing to difficult at times. That is why it is essential not to depend so much on the circumstances: on what may or may not happen.

The important thing is to grow day by day in our personal structure, because with this, no matter how difficult or adverse a situation may be, we will have the ability to resolve it and not remain mired in a labyrinth of doubts and errors. Or, worse yet, add one more debt to our lives …

The teaching of knowing who I am

Analyze sensibly and objectively my characteristics and living conditions: give me the great opportunity to know who I am. Because if I don’t know myself, I can be like a leaf moved by the wind: without direction, criteria, or decision-making power. Identify my strengths and weaknesses, I let you know how I can move land and which are not.

woman with nature

Because if depression, for example, is induced or caused by alcohol, the worst thing I can do is walk into a bar and order the first drink. We tend to arrange the circumstances that cause us to relapse and we tend to set ourselves traps of all kinds. It is convenient to be prudent, to have courage in what it is necessary to have courage and not to deny our weaknesses. It is the first step to avoid repeating stories that did not end well.

Our existence is full of processes: some longer than others, depending on the level of complexity of the situation. Thus, whoever saves the processes, not only loses the great opportunity to learn and be more autonomous, but also leaves an outstanding debt with himself.

“Happiness” can be the cause of my depression

Understand that life is about joys and sorrows, successes and failures, and that even from a state of great “happiness”, great disappointment can ensue. Because such “happiness” can be the greatest sophistry of my existence. Furthermore, “happiness” is not a symptom of true well-being. The problem is that sometimes we confuse “euphoria” and “happiness.” The first is exaltation, the second peace.

We can believe, in effect, that we have it all: professional success, job success and even emotional success, and still fall into the deepest depression. In fact, sometimes having it all can be the main cause of the crisis. Because maintaining, for example, a social status costs and also costs a lot. A price that goes on the social welfare bill and that often goes to the detriment of personal well-being.

It’s worth a try

If this is how the events occurred and a deep depression appeared, it is possible to get out of it, especially if we have the help of a professional and a good circle of social support. Obviously, it is not going to be the product of a genie coming out of a magic lamp. It will demand of us, but the goal is worth everything. We ourselves and our recovery are more than enough reasons.

woman holding a strawberry

These recovery processes are generally gradual and difficult. The passage of time slows down and one day it can leave us feeling 100 years old. It is necessary to be patient and to know that the great problems of life require patience.

In these circumstances, changing one or more life habits to be able to get out of this dark terrain is essential. Exercising and having various hobbies that stimulate us is also important in these recovery processes.

Sharing different experiences and points of view with other people who have experienced similar illnesses can also be of great benefit to us. Furthermore, avoiding as much as possible the situations that led us to depression, in many or almost all cases, will be one of the best allies in our recovery.

Do not make hasty decisions and less in important aspects

That in high-risk or crisis situations, it is better to take a pronounced pause and not make hasty decisions or do something that may even end our existence. A bad or lousy moment passes and the next day life goes on.

Something very strange, but true, is that if the virtue of solidarity and understanding suddenly emerges in the person, there can be some unexpected moments of tranquility and relaxation. Your own pain can be channeled through generosity in the face of the pain of others. Giving way to the feeling of usefulness and worth is a way of recovering an unknown and very beautiful part of oneself.

The sufferings and injustices in the world can be a more than valid motivating factor to focus our goals towards a more transcendental objective. They can be the path to personal fulfillment and a way to heal our wounds, understanding and helping to heal the wounds of others.

Woman with depression covering her face

Overall, it is not something easy to achieve; and you must be very prepared to tackle these complex and steep terrain. But at least trying, it’s worth it: for others and, of course, for ourselves. We only have one life and it is necessary to do everything in our power to make it meaningful and go beyond simple survival.

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