Fear Stops Near The Abyss

Fear stops near the abyss

If you have decided to read this article it is because, surely, you feel fear or, perhaps, you have felt it recently. Everyone has felt this way at some time in their life since, whether we like it or not, fear cannot be avoided : you cannot say no without it having reached our soul first. It has to enter, cause us to feel it inside, and then handle you or allow yourself to be handled.

Therefore, we can do nothing to prevent it from filling us up. In fact, if you are reading this article, you will not find here any solution that leads you to close the entrance: if he wants to enter, he will. What you will find here is support to realize that, when fear asks you to show your face, you have all the power to do so and overcome it ; because, as Benedetti would say, it stops a foot from the abyss.

In general, fear is not negative. It is a defense mechanism that can help us to be more cautious, to protect ourselves against some dangers and not to commit recklessness that we could regret later, since some insecurities derived from this emotion keep us more focused on what we have around us.

Scared girl

When fear takes more confidence than it should in our body, it begins to subdue us and prevent us from acting as we really want. Then it also begins to be negative by inertia: it does not allow us to be completely and it steals dreams from us while we are aware of it.

However, there is still a hole for the hand-to-hand pulse: we have another feeling that comes from within and helps us defend ourselves against our own harm and that of others, courage. There is, in this sense, a point of coincidence in which fear intersects with courage: there it is as if the command of our movements and elections were disputed.

The moment courage begins to show itself, fear begins to see its limitations ; When the abyss is at the bottom, innate courage appears to help us get up and on. By nature we have enough strength to stand up to the damage and not to let suffering be done, to say no and to say I can with it.

Sadness and fear sometimes taste like peace

It seems difficult to understand that from sadness and fear we can extract a little bit of peace; but it is like this. Focusing on fear depresses us, corners us and does not allow us to continue: it is precisely in these situations when we see ourselves in the face, we look inside and feel the damage that it is causing us.

Sad and lonely woman with fear on a boat

Resurfacing from that damage and knowing that we have achieved it is what gives us peace : the same happens when we overcome a traumatic situation such as losing a loved one, breaking a relationship, failing … Our resilience has a focus on well-being: being happy has a price and, sometimes, that price is the overcoming of our fears after having experienced it.

We are capable of stopping fear, especially at the moment in which we believe that we will no longer be able to cope with it : there we have enough courage not to let it defeat us. If you have come this far reading, you will have realized what we said at the beginning: we cannot avoid fear, it is natural; but fear stops a foot from the abyss, when we have to fight, break the armor and jump so as not to fall with it.

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