Do You Know What Intelligence Helps You Take Care Of Your Social Relationships?

Do you know what intelligence helps you take care of your social relationships?

Achieving a full and happy life is the purpose on which we concentrate all our efforts and put our efforts. The only ones responsible for our being able to achieve this goal are ourselves and the attitude with which we decide to face our day to day. Reaching that fullness will depend, among other factors, on our interpersonal intelligence.

But what is interpersonal intelligence? Howard Gardner, father of the theory of Multiple Intelligences, affirms that ” interpersonal intelligence is built from a nuclear capacity to feel distinctions between others : in particular, contrasts in their moods, temperaments, motivations and intentions”. In other words, empathy and the ability to establish social relationships are the capacities that make up interpersonal intelligence.

And it is this type of intelligence that determines, for example, the choice we make of our friends or partner. And it is also, to a large extent, responsible for our work or academic successes. Thanks to it, our ability to function in our environment can be more or less successful.

Empathy and social skills

Friends hugging

Empathy is the skill that allows us to get closer to others, understand their emotions, share their concerns or understand their behaviors. It is the key to successful interpersonal relationships. 

The competencies that we develop through social skills are those that we associate with popularity and leadership. They respond to the skills we use to persuade and lead, negotiate and resolve conflicts, or cooperate and work as a team.

If we look around us, we can detect this type of intelligence in those people with special sensitivity, with defined social skills and who tend to be sympathetic to everyone.

Boost your interpersonal intelligence

If you have decided to improve your social skills and strengthen your relationship with your environment, you should know that there are exercises you can work on and that will help you develop your interpersonal intelligence:

1. Understand

Compression is essential. Faced with a specific situation that causes you discomfort with another person, always try to put yourself in their shoes. Observe yourself as if you were him and try to understand what could have led the other person to act the way they did. Remember that sometimes you too act in a way that can cause harm. We can all make mistakes.

2. Listen

Learn to listen, and it is not an easy thing to do. When you are in a conversation with others, try to notice the times we interrupt each other without letting the sentences finish and fully express our ideas. Try to correct this if you notice that you do not stop talking to others.

When someone feels heard, they feel understood and trusted. In this way, learning to listen will help us to form a deeper connection with the other person.

Woman listening manifesting interpersonal intelligence

3. Look inside

Take perspective of yourself, do an exercise in introspection. To do this, write an essay describing yourself, then do another one thinking about how your best friend would do it and a third one imagining what a stranger would say about you.

You can also use techniques such as mindfulness, through which you will learn to observe your thoughts. Even those that you thought you had already forgotten. It is a good tool to start exploring our inner world.

4. Accept the opinion of others

Accept criticism with serenity. Turn to a family member or friend to tell you the negative aspects they see in your character. Accept what is true and reject what is not, but always with an open and calm attitude.

5. Pay attention to emotions

Identify emotions. When you witness a tense or conflict situation in your family or with your friends, observe the mood of those involved.

6. Learn

Get closer to other cultures. Take an interest and read about other customs, beliefs, and values. This will help you better understand those who don’t think like you.

It develops your interpersonal intelligence and it will help you to contact your feelings and those of others. It will enhance your ability to relate, maintain your friendships and understand those who do not think like you. It is one of the keys to achieving vital fullness.

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