Closed For Holidays! Your Mind Also Needs To Rest

Closed for vacations!  Your mind needs to rest too

Rest is essential. It is impossible to constantly live under stress and in a hurry because neither our body nor our mind are prepared to live at a high level of activation for long. This wears us down and causes our performance, as hours and days go by, to decline.

There is no use putting into practice different relaxation techniques or attending yoga three times a week if you are not able to put other quiet breaks in the middle of the daily hustle and bustle. Sometimes it is difficult to curb worry-filled thoughts that creep through our minds, not least because no one has taught us.

However, do you remember a day when you have not been aware of your mobile? When was the last time you did that activity that you like so much? 

Your mind needs to rest

Mind that needs to rest

You do not need a vacation to relax, a simple weekend, a day or an hour can serve to put a point and part in the hustle and bustle that surrounds you or, rather, the one that you feel involved in.

The problem lies in the way in which you take advantage of the rest time. Are you really able to disconnect? Surely future projects continue to swarm through your mind, what you will have to do when Monday arrives, who to call and other multiple responsibilities that are preventing you from enjoying those two days that you have.

It’s like putting aside what weighs you down for a while makes you irresponsible, when you can’t do anything about it until you get to the office on Monday. Thus, the weekend becomes a constant anticipation of this moment, with its associated stress of course!

That is, you do not have to get up at a certain time or have breakfast in a hurry because you have to go to work. However, accustomed to this routine, we find it difficult to get out of it. So in our rest period we make some mistakes.

What do we do wrong in our moments of rest

mind at the time of rest

To begin with, we try to plan everything without leaving room for improvisation, which causes any unforeseen event to lead to a conflict. We continue with the fact of not leaving the mobile aside, turned off or in airplane mode. Finally, we dare not do new things, crazy things, and the big question is “why?”

A clear example of all this can be found around Christmas, when most of us usually have a few days off. However, what should be an enjoyment ends up becoming an ordeal. Family reunions, trips to be with our loved ones, determine places we want to visit to take advantage of these “mini vacations” … Enough!

Remember that you are on your rest period. If you don’t relieve yourself of stress when you don’t have to work, when will you? You are saturating your time because you fear that you do not know how to proceed without having things to do. However, let yourself go. Maybe you want to spend a day at home reading, watching TV, or doing something totally unproductive. No problem. You shouldn’t feel bad about it. You deserve it.

If you know how to rest, your performance at work will also be better, it will be contagious. You will be full of energy and optimism to start with enthusiasm. However, do you remember when you returned to the routine and had the feeling of being exhausted? This happens when you haven’t really relaxed.

Being obsessed with vacations and wanting to do many things causes us not to know how to get the most out of it. Do not plan everything, let everything flow and, above all, enjoy.

If you don’t waste your time when you have things to do, why if you do it when you deserve to rest? You do not take advantage of that weekend or that vacation that you were waiting for so much. Maybe your expectations were too high. However,  your free time has a beginning, but it also has an end.

Images courtesy of Kathrin Honesta

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