A “how Are You? ” Or “good Morning ” On Whatsapp Also Helps

A "how are you?"  or "good morning" on whatsapp also helps

A “good morning” or “how are you? By whatsapp it also helps when the distance is long, when there is no possibility of a hug, a knock on the doorbell or that look that tells us everything without speaking. New technologies also serve as wonderful everyday bridges to strengthen our relationships if we use them well.

If there is something we are already used to, it is to be told about that less good side of immediate messaging systems or social networks. New technologies, as we already know, are our new shortcuts to amplify everyday experience, to make it more vivid, closer and of course immediate.

We will not go back into the psychological risks or consequences of the use and abuse of these new communication channels. Let’s talk about its benefits, and how in many cases a tool is created to improve our mental health by discovering a new type of connection: the digital link.

Today it is very difficult to stay out of all these communication systems. It is an innovative type of language that is already used in practically the whole world. So much so that even the older generations have started almost “by force” in these technological universes for a very specific reason: to be closer to their own.

This digital link established through tools, such as the well-known WhatsApp, allows us to develop another type of interaction that, properly managed, allows us to take a qualitative leap in our daily relationships.

We invite you to reflect on the subject.


WhatsApp and relationships 2.0

Communications technology has changed the way we understand relationships. Now, the word that most defines and characterizes them is undoubtedly IMMEDIATE. If whatsapp is characterized by something, like any other messaging system, it is that it allows us to communicate with anyone directly regardless of distance. Gone are those times where letters had to travel long distances to reach their addressee or those years, not so far away, where the landline was our only means of communication in medium and long distance.

The mobile phone and that digital link created through WhatsApp is a generator of dopamine. It is the reassurance for that mother who makes sure that her son, the one who now works in another country , is fine. It is the morning smile of that other young woman to whom her partner says good morning with a message fringed with cheerful emoticons. It is also a torrent of endorphins for that boy who, after a long day of job search, is encouraged by his group of friends inviting him not to give up.

The power of the current digital age and of these technologies that link us with each other through an app  is immense. Far from isolating ourselves behind a cold computer screen, for a large part of the population it is quite a shock, a world full of new stimuli and an exceptional way to leave their islands of solitude to “connect” to life again.

Social networks: a window to the world

At the same time, for all of us who are known for being active, dynamic, curious and creative social creatures,  we have also found in these channels a wonderful way of keeping those who are far close by. In this way , we further enrich our daily lives by creating  even stronger ties.

New technologies enhance our intelligence and emotional connection

To this day, there is no shortage of people entering a subway or bus car, surprising themselves to see most of the travelers leaning over the bright screens of their mobile phones. It seems as if that is where real life happened and not around it, outside of that technological comfort zone. Now, it is not convenient to rush by drawing such negative a priori conclusions. The reason? There are

Clive Thompson, a Canadian science journalist, wrote a very interesting book a few years ago on this very thing. In “ Smarter Than You Think: How Technology is Changing Our Minds for the Better” or “.

Woman reading whatsapps

All stimuli, all information and interactions established in our environment and through these channels amplify our thinking in multiple directions. It is a very positive thing. If we also add that daily communication through WhatsApp with friends, partner and family, we in turn obtain a reinforcement based on dopamines and endorphins capable of improving and taking care of our emotional health.

However, and here a “but” appears in capital letters, we have to be aware of several things. WhatsApp, like the use of social networks, are complementary tools that enrich our lives, but they are NOT our whole life. 

A hug, a kiss or a caress can never be replaced by an emoticon. A Skype call to our grandparents will not allow them to prepare our favorite food or keep them company that they really need. New technologies make life easier and help us a lot, it is true, but they do not allow us to feel it fully.

Let us therefore learn to combine the two areas with balance, success and wisdom.

Images courtesy of Marcos Chin

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