The Vertigo Of Starting From Scratch, Revolutionary Beginnings

Every start is scary, but remember, you are not starting from scratch, you are actually starting from experience. Now, you just need to discover what psychological strengths you should apply in that journey of changes that will bring you closer to happiness. They are as follows.
The vertigo of starting from scratch, revolutionary beginnings

Starting from scratch produces vertigo. The nerves swirl in the stomach, in the mind, they accelerate the heart and even the ground under our feet … The fears are many, but the needs to give us infinite new opportunities. How many times have we seen each other in our existence at these starting points that are so determining and distressing at the same time?

Maybe many or maybe none. The reality is that leaving a large part of the things that are known to us to start a new stage is not an easy thing and not everyone finds the courage to achieve it. However, most of us have thought about it at some time. Press the reset button and that everything is new, that what now haunts us is left behind to jump towards new doors, new airs and a new me.

We like the idea, it is attractive. However, this process demands psychological strengths and open attitudes, in addition to something decisive: to be clear about our experience so as not to fall into the same mistakes, to shape a reality more in line with our values ​​and needs.

Committing ourselves to the changes happens first by signing an agreement with ourselves. Let’s dive a little deeper into this topic.

Man in front of doors wondering how to start from scratch

Starting from scratch: the courage to let go to start over

In more than one moment of our life we ​​perceive that there is something wrong. Sometimes, it is our job, too demanding, exhausting, the kind that takes your spirits when you get up in the morning. At other times, it is our relationships, our partner, friends, family … There are dynamics that end up giving more suffering than happiness and we feel that a change and distance is necessary.

On the other hand, it is also common that what we need is to see ourselves in another setting, with other views, other people and other occupations. The need for renewal of the self, for personal updating, often requires starting from scratch and that is something that we can feel several times throughout our life cycle.

However, as we have well pointed out, not all of us dare or find those psychological strengths capable of propelling us, of giving us determination when doubts make us tremble. Let us therefore detail what resources we should begin to develop in these personal stages.

Targeting: remember why you do it and what you expect

Focus, mobilize our attention, motivation, thoughts and attitudes towards our objective, which is none other than promoting this advance towards a new stage. To achieve this and overcome the prick of those fears that bring doubts, we must remember why we do it, what is the reason why we want to start from scratch.

  • It is convenient to clarify the reasons that drive us towards this vital leap : I want to progress, I want to leave behind situations that have made me unhappy, I hope to grow as a person …
  • It is also good to remember what neuroscience tells us about these life changes. Is known to get stuck in stressful circumstances or demotivating is harmful to neurological health. Routine and these repetitive behavioral and relational patterns prevent the nervous system from creating new neural pathways and end up losing cognitive agility.

Temperance: it is not starting from scratch, it is starting from experience

The person who acts with temperance handles fears well. This does not mean that you do not feel them, because starting from scratch raises some insecurity and even anguish. However, we must make use of that psychological strength that is internal serenity and calm, because in reality the starting line is not zero, we start from experience.

What does that mean? It implies, for example, that you know very well what you are willing to achieve and what you will not tolerate again. You know what your limits are, your heart knows what it has left behind and what it hopes to have ahead: balance, freedom, self-realization, calm and happiness.

Therefore, turn off those fears because you will no longer trip over the same stone. You will pave the way to spread your wings well.

Man thinking about starting from scratch

Self-confidence: I know what I want, I know what I deserve and I’m going to achieve it

People are eternal funambilistas looking for balance in life. Therefore, we must understand that if we stay still, it is most likely that we will come down. You have to move forward with one foot in front of the other and with your eyes straight ahead. We must move because existence itself is movement and we are part of that rhythm, of that eternal flow.

Starting from scratch is for the brave but also for those people who know what they want and go for it. Something like this is achieved by combining self-confidence, remembering our potential, those strengths that have always helped us. It is also to strengthen self-esteem, motivation and that determination that whispers to us at every moment that the past does not determine the future.

Because the future is created by us. And we do it by leaving those comfort zones in which nothing grows. If there are no stimuli, if there is no good love, if what surrounds us does not stimulate the mind or make the heart pump, we must look for other directions. One where we like that new version of ourselves, the one that is ready to give the best of itself and build a new happiness.

Let’s think about it.

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