15 Famous Phrases By Paulo Coelho

15 famous phrases by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho has a special way of reaching his readers and touching their soul. He does it in a smooth and accurate way, suddenly making them see something that, until that moment, they could not put words into. Some of his best known titles are “The Alchemist”, “Bridle”, “Eleven minutes”, “Adultery”, “The manuscript written in Accra” or “Aleph” . Today we collect some famous phrases by Paulo Coelho that you will love.

His way of caressing us with words makes him, without a doubt, a special writer. His teachings and reflections do not leave anyone indifferent. Here are 15 phrases to reflect on …

1. When the days are all the same

The first of Paulo Coelho’s famous phrases emphasizes that we have become accustomed to living without thinking and without enjoying. We are contaminated by the rush of a world that, while giving us everything done, destroys the magic of life.

2. Be a good warrior

Paper boat in the water

We are the only animals that trip over the same stone twice. Stumbling is not bad, but doing it over and over in the same way can kill us. Mistakes are always opportunities to grow, not to diminish our life.

3. To choose meant to abandon

This third of the famous phrases by Paulo Coelho invites us to reflect on the importance of making decisions and being aware that something is lost, but also something is gained. Fear should never stop us from choosing.

4. Make decisions

How many times have we not lost wonderful things for fear of losing others? Life consists of that, in choosing our path. From the time we get up until we go to bed we are making decisions. Whether we limit ourselves or open ourselves to life depends on the decisions we make.

Woman resting on a whale

5. If you worry too much, you will burn out

We have to live our own life and stop judging others. You yourself are your path, the one that no one else can see. It is really pleasant to stop looking outside what we carry inside.

6. When people cross

Love is the most universal feeling there is. Always, as impossible as it may seem, there will be a person who will know how to see how wonderful there is in another. Although we have lost hope. Although we do not think we will find anyone else. Someone will always show up.


7. There is no love in peace

This seventh of the famous phrases by Paulo Coelho urges us to think about love and that long-awaited peace, but which is never present. The differences, the arguments, the different opinions… all this is necessary. In addition to the fact that all couples have to go through good times and also through bad times.

8. Love is in you

It is not an easy feeling. For love we bring out the best and the worst in ourselves. Of course, love deserves the fight, it deserves the tear and it deserves the joy. Love deserves everything.

9. Love begins with a look

Hand holding hearts

Paulo Coelho speaks in this sentence about how necessary it is to have opposing opinions and to be different in love. This makes him gain strength, makes him have drive. Without any of this, love would die of boredom.

10. We all need to leave one day

This tenth of the famous phrases of Paulo Coelho allows us to reflect on the need to leave. A look towards that end to which we are all destined and to which many resist. However, it is a common ending for all.

11. See the world as we wish

The following of the famous phrases of Paulo Coelho allows us to question how we see the world. The truth is that our gaze is full of desires, expectations and illusions that shape it in a particular way.

12. A child can teach an adult a lot

Girl smiling

Considering children as immature beings or that they are the ones who have to learn about life is a big mistake. The little ones, if we look at them carefully, can teach us many things that we have forgotten. So let’s pay attention to them.

13. No one is safe from defeat

The following of the famous phrases of Paulo Coelho invites us to embrace our dreams, which gives meaning to our lives. Because fighting for what is not even known, that is a losing battle from the beginning.

14. What drowns us is staying submerged

Have problems ever sunk you to the point that you have conformed to and even used to being submerged in them? This, truly, is what kills us. We cannot settle or habituate or feel sorry for ourselves. Complaining and victimizing ourselves is not the solution. We can all drown and we all have the tools to swim to the surface.

15. Not making decisions hurts

The last of Paulo Coelho’s famous phrases tells us about pain, that feeling that is so present in our lives. The end of a relationship hurts us, a disappointment, a lie. But what causes us real suffering is to sit still and not make any decisions.

All these famous phrases by Paulo Coelho have great lessons to offer us. Which of them would you choose ? Are there any that have resonated with us in a special way? We hope that they invited you to reflect and that they allowed you to question some things that you took for granted.

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