Learn About One Of The Most Effective Techniques To End Stress: Systematic Desensitization

Learn about one of the most effective techniques to end stress: systematic desensitization

Perhaps on many occasions we have experienced unpleasant feelings or emotions associated with stress, anguish or panic, which in some cases diminish or disappear over time. This depends on the way we deal with the situation.

However, situations can arise that we experience as impossible to handle and that produce states of mental and emotional imbalance, generating suffering. These feelings of insecurity and limitation can paralyze, hinder and block the normal functioning of daily activities.

Nobody escapes the impact of stress, due to the accelerated pace of life in the contemporary world. Daily demands and high levels of violence, among others, cause a significant deterioration in our comprehensive quality of life. However, the Systemic Desensitization technique can be an alternative help and solution for this scourge.

Systematic desensitization is a helpful technique that consists in the evocation or repetition of the real experience of situations that we consider threatening. Simultaneously, deep relaxation therapy is performed to reduce states of discomfort.

Systematic desensitization: an effective technique  

The systematic desensitization process is aimed at facing a stressful situation in a conscious way, reliving and expressing step by step what you think and feel when you are exposed to what stresses you. Relaxation will produce a calming effect and at the same time will provide you with tools to acquire a new learning, which will reduce the state of anguish.

crying girl

Systematic desensitization seeks to reinforce a learned behavior of self-control, through repetition, at the pace that you consider appropriate and respecting your emotions. In other words, if a lot of anguish occurs during the session, the day must be interrupted. Later, the process must be resumed to avoid the opposite effect: greater rejection or aversion.

It is about unlearning negative responses to a stressful situation and transforming the experience. To achieve this, the development of skills and resources to consciously control distressing situations is promoted. In this case, memory fulfills the role of remembering the new learning, when necessary.

Main benefits of systematic desensitization

With systematic desensitization you can acquire resources to be able to face any situation that you experience as a source of distress. But, in addition, you also learn to work on the control of your body and your mind, through breathing and relaxation.

Thanks to learning the relaxation technique used in systematic desensitization  , very favorable benefits and results are obtained for your health. It is a technique that allows you to acquire complete well-being, which is reflected in the mind-body unit and allows you to achieve global well-being.


Conscious breathing and relaxation of the body make it possible to increase mastery and self-control on the physical, mental and emotional levels. As a consequence, physical illnesses and symptoms become less frequent and progressively milder, until many of them disappear.

It is very important that you have high motivation when starting a systematic desensitization process. For the technique to work, it is essential that you do everything on your part, since it is not easy, but it generates great benefits. You must be willing to exercise and get your mind and emotions in order.

The main steps to follow

Applying the systematic desensitization technique implies having enough space and time. Comfort and tranquility are important, as well as having the necessary time, without worrying about other commitments that disturb your mind.

You should start with a moderate stretching workout, exercising muscle tension and strain throughout the body. It is necessary that you do it slowly, without haste and maintaining a deep and serene breathing rhythm.

man flying bike

Before, or during the session, you should write down all the situations that cause you stress or anguish, preferably from the least to the greatest fear. Then you start to imagine what each situation is like, step by step, expressing everything you feel and breathing deeply. It is necessary to repeat the technique as many times as necessary and not to jump into another situation until you feel the full control and control you are dealing with at that moment.

The most important thing is that you be consistent. Once you start the process, don’t finish it until you feel like your stress level has dropped. Practice this at least a couple of times during the week and you will see the effects very soon.

Some recommendations to keep in mind

To properly apply the systematic desensitization technique, it is important that you take into account some recommendations that are essential when putting the theory into practice. The most important ones are:

  • You need to humbly admit that you have a situation that is possibly limiting your life. But, at the same time, you must understand that this situation is susceptible to being treated and improved, with will, perseverance, commitment and optimism.
  • Seek help if necessary. It will always be an option to seek professional help, when the situation has become extremely problematic and threatens to spiral out of control. Asking for help is a sign of wisdom and mental health. Resistance to doing so indicates a certain negligence in self-care and false independence.
  • Systematic desensitization has been recommended since it is a technique that triggers processes with immediate or, in any case, short-term effects. However, the duration depends on the commitment and progress made by each person.

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