When Unhealed Sorrows Damage Our Body

When unhealed sorrows damage our body

Unhealed sorrows end up manifesting in one way or another in our body. In our vain attempts to ignore all these internal sadness, they choose to activate a mechanism that makes them be heard through our body. This is often called “somatizing the emotions.”

Surely it has happened to you at some time: the urge to go to the bathroom when you had an exam, that knot in your stomach when you were waiting for news, that pain in your chest when someone hurts you with their words or behavior …

All of this irrefutably proves that there is a clear link between body and mind. If our mind suffers, our body also experiences that suffering. It is what in psychology we call “psychosomatic disorders”; and all, absolutely all of us experience it continuously to a greater or lesser extent.

Psychosomatic disorders: when the mind suffers 

Psychosomatic disorders usually have as a fundamental basis the fact of having to assume very intense emotions, emotions that we cannot process and that we manage in a negative way.


Let’s take an example: someone who has a bad job with a boss who despises their efforts. The person will come home dejected, with headaches, possibly suffering from insomnia, and this stressful situation may lead to a stomach ulcer or nervous depression.

Depressed woman with unhealed sorrows

The same happens if they break our heart, for example, if we leave a relationship and do not deal with that state adequately. Sadness will end up feeding on our thoughts day after day until we are trapped in the dark room of any disease, ailments that do not have an objective organic basis, diseases produced by the mind. Unhealed sorrows that we have not wanted to attend to and look at.

But let’s see what clinical manifestations psychosomatic disorders can produce:

  • Ischemic heart disease:  stress, competitiveness … usually derives from this disease.
  • Tension headaches: it  is the most frequent in the general population when we have a problem.
  • Bronchial asthma: stress in general and certain emotional states can trigger asthma attacks.
  • Low back pain : low back pain is one of the main causes of sick leave, and is almost always associated with emotional and tension problems.
  • Eczema:  consists of the formation of vesicles and scabs on the skin, with great itching, and often associated with stress.

Opening doors is releasing unhealed sorrows

It is always difficult. We often live in situations where it is difficult for us to react: we need a job to live, and stress states are almost always associated with this environment, we cannot control all the negative events that come to us, life is not a path where everything is planned and where tranquility is assured …

Woman leaning on wall with headache

But we must be prepared, have weapons, personal skills to set limits, to say out loud what we want, to maintain a well-reinforced self-esteem where we do not allow ourselves to fall into the abyss of helplessness …

It is normal to feel nerves, fear, anguish … but always at specific moments and in a temporary way. If those unhealed emotions or sorrows persist for a long time, our body will eventually end up complaining and getting sick. The inner sorrows must heal, or at least heal in order to continue with a correct quality of life.

It is up to us to open those doors. In our hand is our own happiness. How about we start releasing all those unhealed sorrows that we’ve kept locked up for so long?

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