Rights And Duties At The End Of A Relationship

Rights and duties at the end of a relationship

Sometimes ending a relationship means that we experience an emotional storm and chaos in our minds. No one is quite ready to let go of someone they have loved and with whom they have planned a life together.

When this happens, it is normal for discouragement and sadness to try to accompany us. Thousands of illusions and expectations collapse, while everything around us darkens. But still, we always have minimal rights, even though we may not remember them. In fact, there are also erroneous beliefs that lead us to think that we lack such rights.

It is obvious that where there are rights there are also duties. They should be kept in mind because they are like a navigation chart. They give us a frame of reference, a north to which to go. Having clarified this, let’s get to know what those rights and duties are at the end of a relationship.

Feeling pain, an inalienable right at the end of a relationship

Believe it or not, there are people and environments that try to prohibit pain. Some because they see it as a sign of weakness. Others because they think that if they immerse themselves in it, they will not be able to get out of that deep state of sadness …

couple from behind after ending a relationship

Both are very wrong approaches. When push comes to shove, the exact opposite happens. Pain that is not admitted and not experienced, remains entrenched and ends up becoming a deaf shadow that accompanies everywhere.

The minimum right you have at the end of a relationship is to feel pain for what happened. And as a right, it must be claimed. Taking time to cry, miss, or be upset is healthy. It does not make you weaker, nor does it put you at a disadvantage. On the contrary, pain is learned over time and ends up being a source of strength.

Right to fear and uncertainty

It is very good that we seek to maintain a positive mind and encouraging feelings in the face of any circumstance. But it is not okay to deny the existence of feelings such as suffering or fear. This denial is a way of repressing ourselves and this is by no means healthy.

Being afraid of ending a relationship is completely normal. Especially when it was a very important bond for us or when everything ended in the midst of very difficult circumstances. In fact, it is acceptable that at that point we look ahead and see everything confused. It is not about not feeling fear and uncertainty, but about facing them and channeling them.

Right to make some blunders

We are not always ready to end a relationship that has been very important to us. We do not have to demand ourselves to act with total maturity and intelligence from the first moment. It is normal that sometimes we do some silly things before moving on to the next stage.

couple after ending a relationship

The most common blunders are, for example, setting up a whole spy system to see how the other is doing. Or to believe at face value that “one nail pulls out another nail” and rush into a new relationship. It is also frequent that we look for those who no longer want to see us and we complain or even beg them to reconsider their decision.

It is very common for some of this to happen. And it is not a reason to whip, blame or reproach us. Yes, they are clumsy. This is how human beings are. You can be clumsy in extreme situations. And nothing happens. We also learn from this.

Duty to accept reality

The natural reaction to a great love loss is to not want to accept it. Nobody gives up just like that what they love. It takes some time before we can accept that nothing will be the same. That we must renounce that which has been of immense value to us.

However, it is a duty to the other and to ourselves to work to be able to accept this new reality. Failure to do so will create unnecessary suffering. We can even fall into a neurotic spider web that only leads us to lose valuable time and wear out our internal world to the extreme.

Duty to find a way to rebuild your life

This is the main duty when ending a relationship. It is about a commitment to life and who we are. By the mere fact of being alive, we have a duty to seek peace, harmony, happiness. A love loss is an obstacle to that goal. However, we have a full duty to do everything in our power to overcome it.

woman walking through the field after ending a relationship

As we can see, ending a relationship is not easy for anyone. But if these rights and duties are taken into account, it will surely be easier to go through that hard time. A difficult test, which if passed will allow us to grow like no other.

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