Serendipity And Personality: People Who “attract ” Valuable Finds

Serendipity and personality are related. Those magical discoveries that bring happiness and great discoveries are intended for willing minds, who are patient, constant and not afraid to open their way to new paths and possibilities.
Serendipity and personality: people who "attract" valuable finds

Serendipity and personality share a bond. The magic of finding something unexpected and valuable almost accidentally responds, according to experts, to other factors that go beyond the causal. In fact, we would be the ones who, with our determination, ingenuity and determination, would promote these exceptional discoveries.

Louis Pasteur said that “chance favors the prepared mind” and he was absolutely right. The world of science, for example, is full of amazing discoveries. Alexander Fleming and penicillin, Wilhelm Roentgen and X-rays, Cyril Astley Clarke and his work in the prevention of Rh disease of the newborn… We could give hundreds of examples of how serendipity vertebra the most relevant findings.

However, there is always one element in common: sagacity, perseverance and that mind capable of seeing in a mere chance, a great possibility. There is no magic, therefore, what there is is the dazzling commitment of an awakened mind that always knows how to see beyond, that is receptive to its environment and that is capable of expanding perspectives to allow new approaches to enter.

Hand with light symbolizing the relationship between serendipity and personality

Serendipity and personality, how are they related?

We could say without mistake that the area where more serendipity tends to occur is in the pharmaceutical industry. One of the most notorious cases in recent times is undoubtedly that of Viagra, a drug originally created to treat angina pectoris is now one of the best sellers to treat erectile dysfunction.

In the scientific field, it is known that chance is a factor that is always present, but yes, it is an element that the researcher himself generates and that only the most experienced will know how to take advantage of.

William Shakespeare himself already said in his work Julius Caesar that only people capable of entering the tides achieve fortune, hence serendipity is not for everyone and that valuable findings are only for those who are prepared to look for them.

As a curious fact, it should be said that today we even have a body called “The society of serendipity” aimed at investigating these phenomena and understanding the relationship between serendipity and personality. It is a network of academics from around the world who from the field of psychology, psychiatry, physics or medicine try to reel off these striking and inspiring events.

These are some of the data that you provide us.

girl with lights symbolizing the relationship between serendipity and personality

People who create their own opportunities

Serendipity and personality are related through ingenuity and the ability to break with the established, the expected or the normative. It requires innovation. It involves challenge. It takes open-mindedness and also has the spontaneous curiosity of a child.

Santiago Ramón y Cajal himself would say that a favorable finding occurs only in a context of inspiration added to the opportunity to be at the right time and at the right time. Therefore, various factors are combined where a clear predisposition and commitment to the task is necessary above all.

Studies, such as the one carried out by Dr. David R. Colman, from the Montreal Institute of Neurology, describe this to us and remind us in turn that serendipity, although it is a mysterious phenomenon, is more present in our daily lives. what we can think of.

Happy matches in willing minds

The origin of the word  serendipity , translated as “serendipity” comes from a Persian tale called The Three Princes of Serendip ( Serendip is the Persian name for Sri-Lanka). Now it was Horace Walpole who used this term in a letter to the diplomat Horace Mann. He did so by relating this word to the magic of chance and those happy coincidences where one looks for something and finds something much better.

The tale of the Three Princes of Serendip tells us about how three brothers solved problems and difficulties in extraordinary ways. Horace Walpole attributed these feats to chance, to that chance that always seemed to be favorable to the brothers. However, if one delves into this story, one instantly realizes that this is not the case. The three princes were wise, skilled, and tremendously resourceful.


Serendipity and personality share a common bond and it is the willing mind. It is the same that Sherlock Holmes applies in his cases. When something unexpected happens, Holmes makes use of that scientific method where he can go back in his mind and reconstruct the possible effects that shape those causes. There is ingenuity, creativity and not just an openness to experience …

People to whom great serendipities happen foster them, generate movement and opportunity, are active and highly resourceful. So let’s keep it in mind; To find these happy coincidences, you have to know how to listen, you have to see the world in a curious way with the illusion of a true explorer, someone who is not afraid to venture into new paths …

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