The Nearness Of Death Makes Us Brave

The nearness of death makes us brave

Being close to death makes us brave people. Well, when our existence is in danger, fears disappear, doubts stop tormenting us and regrets begin for not having done what we long ago pointed out as pending tasks. And it is that death, just as it frightens us, infuses us with a previously unknown value.

We realize that every minute counts and that we should begin to cultivate our mindfulness. However, we procrastinate because we prioritize projects, work, worries and other things that occupy our time, the one whose value we easily devalue. Until our life hangs in the balance and we realize how wrong we were.

Take the risk, do not stay with the desire

You wanted to say it, but you were afraid of being rejected. You wanted to mention those words, but the possibility of losing it pushed you back. The shame, the doubts, that “it doesn’t really matter that much” have installed in your mind a “what would have happened if…? “. A collection of uncertainties that will accompany you forever, from which you will not be able to get rid of. The important thing is that you do not continue to increase it.

We are brave when near death we begin to see these and similar attitudes as nonsense. We blame and recriminate ourselves for not having had the courage to say or do what we wanted when it was born from within us. If we still have time we will try to find a solution to all this. If not, the reproaches will begin to suffocate us.

pigeon woman

Life teaches us through experiences that appreciating it is always a good idea. But the ways in which it does so are subtle and the negative impact that lingers on our consciousness is brief. Remember that very important person that you did not know how to value until you lost them. It was then that you understood what was being repeated to you so much, but you refused to listen: “value people when you have them, not when you lose them.”

The excuses have been installed in you as can a worry or a negative thought that you cannot get rid of. It is like a shield under which you protect yourself so as not to make an effort, to settle into the idea – oppressive and sometimes placid – that we lack time, to believe that you are not too good, not to make the decision to start a relationship with who do you want …

This is the attitude you would have to live with today, tomorrow, the day after, forever. Because in your mind there are many barriers resulting from trauma, experiences that you wish you had forgotten and other types of circumstances that have caused small gaps that have made you an insecure person. However, the “no” you already have. Own it, accept it and don’t be afraid to fail. Because what you will lose, you did not have before, therefore, take the risk!

Many of the obstacles you see are just the extraordinary product of your imagination. Barriers created by both the coward and the brave; however, the brave face them, the cowards magnify them with avoidance.

The brave shake off every limiting belief and allow no one to instill fear into them about what is not yet known. Because many times we make excuses and condition our future. We assume it, we anticipate it. Being aware that it is unpredictable and that it holds many surprises for us, why do we cower before it?

Expectations, pride, fear of ridicule, fear of failure … All of this fades in the presence of death. It seems incredible that what causes us the most fear, the horror of disappearing, of falling into oblivion, is what instills the most value in us. That ending, which we always hope will take many years to come, is what makes us brave when we no longer have the opportunity to be brave.

Raven closeness death

Images courtesy Christian Schloe.

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