Healing Our Inner Child

Heal our inner child

We all carry inside the child that we were. Caring for the inner child is vitally important for emotional improvement and maintaining healthy self-esteem. Almost all of us in childhood have had emotional wounds and, if we do not fix them in due course, the inner child will be damaged. Now we can try to understand what happens to him to heal him.

When you feel a negative emotion, ask yourself why you feel this way and try to understand yourself. To find a way to improve those negativities. Let your sadness, your fear, your anger flow…; because they are necessary emotions for our organism. With them and through them we also express what happens and has happened to that inner child.

Exercise to heal our inner child

Imagine your childhood stage. What were you like when you were about 8 years old? Try to visualize how you were physically and, if it is difficult for you, you can look at a photo to refresh your memory and capture as much detail as possible.

Now do a visualization and imagination exercise. Imagine yourself as a child, in your room alone, what did you do when you were in your room alone? Imagine that stage of childhood, go to the past and remember every detail. What furniture was in your room, what colors, what did you play at, etc. The more real details you install in the imagination, the more effect the exercise will have.

Boy playing in cardboard boat

Now imagine yourself as you are now. Imagine that you are entering the room you had when you were little. You open the door and see a crestfallen, insecure child. That child was you when you were little. In the room you are, just as you are now, accompanied by a child, who is the one from your childhood stage.

Caress your inner child

What is this for? To heal you from the wounds of the past. Your adult person can converse, caress the child that was, using imagination.

Approach that hurt, sensitive, fearful child and ask him what is wrong with him. Now you can understand him, kiss him, hug him, give him protection, support, love … Do it, treat yourself as you would have liked to be treated in childhood. Give him love and understanding, hug him tight and tell him that from now on he will be safe, that you will take care of him and accept him as he deserves.

Play with him, have fun, let his spontaneity come out. Keep imagining and visualizing that you take your child where he wants. Where did you want to go as a child? What whim did you want and could not have? What affections did you lack? Which ones did you have?

Now you can give him what he wants. When your inner child is feeling motivated and happy, go back to the room. Leave him there safely and say goodbye to him, telling him that every time he needs it you will go to help him, understand him and give him love.

Adults with damaged inner children hold back when they want to do childhood things. They want to give a correct, serious, adult image. They do not realize that all humans have the need to go back to being children from time to time.  And it is not bad, it is not immaturity, but they are letting their inner child have fun.

Adults who have children can re-entertain their inner child when they play with them, who has not heard that “the father likes video games more than the son …”. On the other hand, adult people without children are more repressed when it comes to doing things typical of childhood. They no longer hit the ball, or laugh at any nonsense, it’s like in adulthood you have to be correct and everything else is immature.

The truth is that there is nothing healthier than letting your inner child be spontaneous. Don’t hold it back, adulthood also needs to bring out that fun part from time to time.

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