What Message Does The Skin Send Us?

What message does the skin send us?

They say that the eyes are “the mirror of the soul”, but there is also another part of the body that is as important as the previous one and that has the virtue of reflecting everything that happens inside us. We are talking about the skin, the largest organ in our body, an envelope that defends us from the outside and that is intimately linked to our nervous system and the functioning of the rest of our organs.

She betrays us, she is our external border and with her we connect our environment. The skin is the surface in which all the internal organs are reflected, the aesthetic signs that are manifested in it are revealing of information for the diagnosis of physical and psychological diseases.

The skin as an organ of expression

Disorders find their main way of expression in the epidermis, a large part of skin reactions, such as excessive sweating, paleness, redness, among others, reveal anxiety, stress, fears, and tensions.

From the psychosomatic point of view, the epidermis becomes opaque in situations of sadness or disappointment, studies show that 80 percent of skin diseases have psychological origin. Beyond their physical or chemical causes, dermatologists associate skin lesions with a deficit of emotional externalization.

Woman from behind

Here are the psychological factors related to the skin expression of the following diseases:

  • Urticaria are related to depression and an emotional manifestation of abandonment and irritation with life is observed in this skin lesion.
  • Psoriasis manifests disappointment, the epidermis that gradually flakes expresses pain and is covered with scales as a shield.
  • Late acne indicates situations of fatigue and stress.
  • Itching reveals anxiety and anguish.
  • Alopecia, in many cases, responds to mourning or a serious emotional loss.

The skin, the organ that reflects emotions

The skin also speaks to us through the symptoms,  which are like precursors of the disease. Symptoms tell us that something is happening in our body, both by the nature of the symptom and by the effects it has and the changes it implies . The skin works as a protective shield against a world to which we are continuously exposed, it is our alarm system.

From the emotional point of view, the skin is related to the valuation of the self before the outside, it represents the image that the human being has of himself. It helps to establish contact with other people, but it can also be a means to isolate oneself, for example, through shame and its characteristic reddish color that has paralyzed or aggrieved us on so many occasions.

female face representing the truth

The skin evaluates our interactions with the environment and with others, instantly reflecting our emotions. In situations of anger the skin turns red, in circumstances of anguish the skin turns pale, in fearful events excessive sweating occurs.

The protective function of the skin is evident, but its sensitive quality is no less so, dressing us in a suit made to measure that reflects how we feel inside at all times.

Maintaining a positive vital attitude, learning to reduce anxiety, and eliminate excess stress are non-negotiable strategies to improve the health of our skin. Listening to our emotions, acknowledging them instead of denying them, and learning to manage them, improves our well-being and directly affects the appearance of our skin.



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