What To Do With Problems That Have No Solution?

What to do with problems that have no solution?

By definition, problems are situations or issues that are pending a solution. Therefore, we start from knowing that every problem has a solution. This means that the work we have left is to find it, something that may not be easy, however, we already know that you have it and this can be essential so as not to despair in your search.

 What if they have no solution?

If a situation or issue has no solution, then, by definition, it is not a problem, it is likely that we are talking about a REALITY. That is, life often surprises us with unexpected situations that do not require us to find a solution, since they only require the ACCEPTANCE that life is like that. And we have to know how to live with these situations.

Sad woman thinking about her problems

The acceptance process does not mean agreeing with what happens, but being aware that we do not have control over everything that happens. Once we have internalized this process, we feel less involvement and more freedom over those events that do not depend on us.

As defined by Rafael Ferro (2000),  acceptance consists of not avoiding, controlling or changing the elements that are part of an experiential avoidance condition. Faced with such a condition, what is proposed is to do nothing, not face emotions and / or thoughts ”.  With this, the author emphasizes that instead of trying to fight an emotion, it is best not to face them.

Ferro assures that this process consists of  “admitting or tolerating these private events and the situation itself, without trying to modify, control or avoid them . With these words, the author does not intend that we become passive beings, but observers. Faced with something that is beyond our control, instead of facing the emotion that triggers us, it is best to contemplate it.

 How many solutions are there to the problems?

Faced with problems, those that require finding a solution, we must be creative, since there are millions of possible solutions, as many as we can imagine and combine.

Finding the right solution requires being open, receptive and very creative to possibilities that we could not have imagined before. And even if we do not find the perfect solution, surely there are other options that would adequately solve the problem.

 How to find the best possible solution?

When a problem worries and obsesses us, it prevents us from looking further to find the solution.  It is as if in front of our eyes we have a veil that prevents us from seeing beyond, and even prevents us from thinking.

Therefore, to find the best solution, it  is necessary to distance yourself from the problem, look at it from another perspective, in a different way than we are used to. For this we need to enhance our creativity and be open and receptive to new visions of the situation and, therefore, to new possibilities and new horizons where we can look for the best possible solution.

 How to distance yourself from the problem?

To put distance it is necessary to open our mind, relativize the problem, knowing that it has a solution, and maintain calm and emotional balance. There are different ways to distance yourself:

Visualize and meditate

Young man looking at the horizon thinking about his problems


You have to use visualization, imagining the problem that worries us, in front of us and not above.  Thus, we will no longer feel so much pressure for it, but only the responsibility to solve it, along with the assurance that the solution exists, and therefore we imagine ourselves seeing it in another way, and looking for creative solutions.

The meditation is a technique that can help us take away from the problem. Among the different types of existing meditation, we can choose the one that contemplates the problems from the outside. Through this technique we acquire an alien point of view, as free from interpretation and judgment as possible. In this way, we distance ourselves and deactivate the emotional turmoil that it produces in us. Thanks to this,  our mind will be much clearer to find a solution.

to write

Writing automatically, letting ideas flow, without thinking, imagining possible solutions and writing them down, can help us find signs of a new path. After writing, we can reread and think about these options, relating them to each other, evaluating them and reflecting on whether these or the result of their combination were the best solution to the problem.

Seek information and advice

To enhance creativity, it is very practical to learn, read or listen to advice and experiences of other people who went through a situation similar to ours. And get from them an orientation to continue in our own search.

To travel

It is to get out of the routine, to put physical distance. Sometimes physical distance helps put emotional distance from the problem. Marching away from our routine and problems is useful when we have the attitude of putting a psychological distance from the problem, because if that is not our attitude, despite the kilometers, we will carry the problem with us.

However, if our attitude is to see the problem from another perspective, breaking with everything for a limited time helps us, since we put a real distance and we also distance ourselves from the situation that worries us and prevents us from seeing the solutions.

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