If Life Brings Me Changes That All Be Good

If life brings me changes that all be good

I do not want to be afraid of the changes that life brings me, I want to breathe, I want to trust and assume them without resistance to avoid suffering, because in my day to day I want stars to guide me along the path of happiness.

This is what we all want, there is no doubt. Now, saying out loud that we are not afraid of changes is not entirely true, because somehow , all of us fear uncertainty and even more, those variations that we do not cause and that life brings us by itself. .

We are sure that at this point in your life you have already had to assume more than one change. Some came on the spur of the moment, and others, you started them yourself out of necessity. And all of this is good, because if we think about it, the only thing we should be afraid of is that there will come a time when we regret not having made a certain change.

Not having dared to say yes to that proposal, having made that trip, having left everything for someone … All of this sometimes appears in our minds as doors that we never dared to open, locks for which we will never find the key again. .

Changes are twists and turns in the path of our life, which sometimes appear unexpectedly, and at other times, they arise to test us.

If changes come, let them be to allow me to grow

girl with her dog enjoying her changes

This is the true attitude that we should assume: all change is a time to grow, and depending on how we assume it, we will obtain something more or less positive.

It is also clear that sometimes, the changes are traumatic : a loss, a failure, a disappointment … However, our attitude and inner strength will once again be that key that will help us to cross the doors of the path of our life with greater dignity and fortitude, having obtained wisdom.

  • Whoever resists change is left in a space between two worlds where on one side is the past and on the other, suffering.
  • We cannot remain immersed in the memory of that failed relationship, or mourning for years the death of a loved one. We must move forward, allow ourselves to suffer a little less day by day until the memory is our quiet tribute to those who are no longer there, but recovering again the illusion of continuing to walk.
  • Adaptation to change is actually something inherent to the human being. We could say that genetically, we are predisposed to change in order to improve, to discover new skills, new contexts, new skills …

In reality, it is about “knowing how to flow”, if we remain attached to the memory, fear or that line of our comfort zone, what we will achieve is that sooner or later personal frustration appears. So, if changes come, trust yourself: it is an opportunity to grow .

Winds of change propel my wings

People are afraid of anything that is out of the ordinary, any variation that takes us away from our center, from our daily life, because it is like losing control and falling into the ocean of the unpredictable.

While it is true that we all long to enjoy a serene existence where happiness is almost guaranteed, none of this can happen if we do not first learn to accept and even promote changes.

Because there are many times when we will be forced to “turn the page” to move forward to take care of our emotional health or to improve our professional life. Life is change and it is an eternal flow where we learn to “let ourselves be carried away” by the tributary that we believe is appropriate. To do this, keep the following in mind:

  • Cope with emotional resistance: understand your emotions and understand that fear is intended to put a chain at your feet, transform concern for safety, convince yourself that taking the step will bring you personal improvements.
  • Change your thoughts and you will change your reality. It’s that easy, just by looking at things differently, things themselves change and you’ve already started the gear, you’ve already turned on the magic.
  • Focus on the positives, avoid falling into the negative scales, and give encouragement to your hopes. If you want good things to come into your life, think about them, focus on your horizon to be your guide on a day-to-day basis.
butterfly changes

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