We Are Not In An Isolation Cell, But Walking Towards Life

These times of confinement, isolation and crisis at all levels are also an opportunity to reinvent yourself, generate changes and walk towards life. The psychologist Marcelo Ceberio invites us to reflect.
We are not in an isolation cell, but walking towards life

Life is full of facts and many of them are irrelevant or significant, not because they are in themselves, but because they are for each one in particular.

We cannot deny that the threat of COVID-19 has crisis status for the world, but it is also true that each of the human beings on the planet has an absolutely subjective experience of this fact.

Each of us, children of this terrestrial ecological niche, will have their own significance about this situation and with it will carry out consequent actions. The truth is that we can walk towards life, despite what is happening.

Boy looking out the window

A crisis, an opportunity for change

Like any crisis, this is a tremendous opportunity to generate a change -deep, not sumptuous-, a modification of the direction that society was taking and try to realize how we live and how contradictory we are.

Now we complain about isolation, but in general we live in isolation, specifically, technologically isolated. We feel bad that we can not touch, the truth is that we are almost phobic to contact and we interpose computer, tablet or mobile phone with others.

In this time of seclusion, we are not Papillon on Diablo Island, nor Jack Nicholson in the famous movie Caught with no way out. This is a time of personal care and caring for others, a kind of spa that allows us to relax and give ourselves a time of reflection, but of concrete actions to walk towards life.

It is a capitalizable time for our own growth, because each one at home with their close affections can generate micro-changes that together and empowered with others will generate a change in the world. Yes, in the world and it is not delusional, it is a positive domino effect, not catastrophic.

How to live these days at home?

Thus, to facilitate coexistence and this quarantine time at home, the following guidelines are recommended:

Talk to your loved ones

Be concerned and call your relatives, especially the elderly, grandparents, uncles, parents, they are the population at risk. Don’t leave them alone, take care of them and do your best to make them feel protected.

Understand yourself

You can get angry, be in a bad mood, complain or criticize, but think that you may have the withdrawal syndrome of hyperactivity. 

Staying at home and not knowing what to do can make your hair stand on end. Therefore, understand yourself! Try to translate that time into actions.

Take time for yourself

Perhaps you are not used to being all day with your partner and children and being like this all of a sudden, all locked at home 24 hours a day can overwhelm you. In fact, it is very normal for arguments, tensions and unkind treatment to increase …

Find some time for yourself, alone. Make video calls with friends, talk to them, tell them how you are, what is wrong with you and how you feel.

Avoid overinformation

Do not spend all day with the television on, watching the news or reading news from newspapers and social networks on the same topic constantly. This is disturbing and not informative. Protect yourself from overinformation.


Do not spend all your time watching series and movies, recover the playful. Play with your partner, with your children, even with your friends from a distance through an app or online game.

Gambling is something that daily obligations have made you lose, but today you can get it back. You will be impressed to see how well it suits you.

Parents playing at home

Prepare your house

They say that the house is the internal world, so try to do those things at home that you had postponed. 

Prepare your garden, paint a wall or fix that table that you had pending. Cook the food you like, order your clothes, your cabinets, your documents and even throw away what you are not going to use and select what you can donate.

A virtual cafe?

Use the camera to make digital encounters with your friends. Have a virtual coffee with them!

Take advantage of this quarantine to speak with all those with whom you had a word, but then it was never possible. It’s the moment!

do exercise

Set up a home gym. Build a circuit, sweat, move. Physical exercise favors the secretion of endorphins and activates neuroplasticity, beyond positively activating the cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal systems.

Woman exercising at home


Think positive. It is time for introspection and reflection to put together a plan of what you want to do this year, with objectives and minimum possible goals to meet and of course actions.

It is an opportunity to walk towards life, do not forget it.

Value yourself, but don’t forget about others

Value yourself and value your time with others. It is the best springboard to grow, put together a routine, create, have fun. Good self-esteem generates positive coping and is the great motivator for action.

This time is a great opportunity to break the recalcitrant individualism to which we are accustomed and transform it into solidarity, because only in this way, together, will we be able to get out of this crisis.

Surely, you are afraid, but do not worry. Fear is an adaptive emotion that the human being used to accommodate the different contexts that he had to live. I recommend that you turn fear into action. You are the great protagonist at this moment.

Let’s make this situation come to fruition. And let’s not forget, it does not depend on COVID-19, this depends on us and the attitude we take. So, let’s walk towards life.

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