How Far Is My Responsibility?

How far does my responsibility go?

How far can I do? When is the time to stop acting? What ghosts are behind the responsibility? What is my role in the problems of others? Responsibility, like almost everything that surrounds us, in its proper measure is adequate and functional. However,  what happens when you exceed the limits that are tolerable for us or when you demand more of us than we can give? When this happens, guilt, anxiety, should arise in us, I have to, and this is when we have to act.

I am responsible for what I can do and what I can control. The moment I try to do something that is not in my power will be when these unpleasant emotions begin to surface. If I realized that my responsibility goes as far as I can go, I would not be a slave to anxiety. If I realized that I am the person with whom I am going to live all my life and it is to her that I have to be faithful and for whom I must feel responsible, I would not eat the demon of guilt.

If not everything is in my power, why does it affect me then?

Responsibility is highly valued in our culture. Someone who is committed, organized, loyal etc. It is well regarded and almost unconsciously rewarded by society, both for jobs, to carry out work, for friends, etc. For this reason, we feel bad when we do not assume the part of responsibility that we understand that corresponds to us. We may think that by feeling responsible, sometimes even for actions that are not ours or do not concern us, we will feel better.

Man with tree on his face suffering from impatience

The burdens that this entails hurt us and hurt us. Then there is the guilt for not having acted before or the anxiety for having let him go home alone or the thought that if he had acted differently now he would not be. So we could create an endless list.

We are responsible for our actions and only up to that point we can and must do. We will have to learn to set our limits and to let the situations of others affect us to a point. When we overcome these lines, the actions of others will no longer be within the limits that mark the space of our responsibility and we will be able to feel free and at peace, for having done as far as we could and had to do, we will have given everything that is in our power. hands.

Learn to let go and feel free with responsibility

If I have managed to act as I wanted, if I feel that I have given my best, if I consider that my actions are a reflection of who I am and I like how I look, I will be in the place that will allow me to know and recognize that beyond of this there are no bad emotions that can haunt me. Everything else is superfluous.

Woman with a dandelion in her hands

I cannot blame anyone for what happens to me or for my failures, the only one responsible is me, who makes the decisions and draws my path, I am me, with all my successes, failures, stumbles and achievements and of all this I am the maximum responsible. It is in my hand to learn from mistakes and take advantage of the successes, in my hand is to decide who I want to be.

Peace and calm are in my power. Working and striving for what I want is what makes me master of my time and my actions, this is being responsible. Once finished  , my obligation over the action of others ends, I will be able to put a little bit of myself and try to help, but beyond this it will not be my responsibility; therefore I will let go and feel free to have done everything I could and to have given my best.

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