Toxic Thoughts Versus Healing Thoughts

The thoughts we hold determine our emotions and the way we see the world. It is your choice to replace them with healthier ones.
Toxic thoughts versus healing thoughts

If we establish a simile between our mind and a computer, it will be easier for us to understand how it operates. Since we were little we receive information, conditioning and beliefs that go on to form our deepest schemes. These settle in us and begin to direct the way we see ourselves, others, and the world.

Its influence is enormous. And, what is even more relevant, unconscious. That is, generally we are not aware of the program that we have installed since we were children. Unidentified basic beliefs that lead us to perceive and interpret situations in a certain way.

If we function with a program of positive and reinforcing beliefs, everything will be fine. Our inner voice will remind us at every moment that we are valuable and strong, that life is beautiful and full of opportunities. However, most of us have much more negative “software”.

Although we are not fully aware, our internal dialogue keeps talking about problems, difficulties and injustice. He repeats to us incessantly that we are not valid, that we are not enough, that we are clumsy or cowardly. That our life is dark and that we have no power to change it.

Can you imagine how this affects us? Toxic thoughts dominate us from within, and we believe them without even questioning their validity. Among other things because we do not realize that they are there.

Senior woman with positive thoughts

Get rid of toxic thoughts

The good news is that we can modify the program that we have installed, and replace it with another consisting of healing thoughts. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to feel at peace, experience gratitude and fulfillment? Wouldn’t you love to love yourself and accept yourself deeply, feel that you trust yourself and that it is a pleasure to be in your skin?

To achieve this you don’t need to have a perfect life, you don’t need to meet social standards or have high status. You don’t require prodigious intelligence, dazzling beauty, great charisma, or spectacular talent. You only need to modify your thoughts, replace your beliefs, generate a healthy and helpful internal dialogue. 

To do this, the first step is to identify those harmful cognitions that you have been maintaining since childhood. Write down all the harmful thoughts you have regarding the different areas of your life. This will make it easier for you to detect them every time they appear in your mind automatically.

Next, you just need to be persistent. Determine what thoughts you want to “install” in you, what you would like to think and feel about life, and the change begins. Whenever a thought from the old program appears, consciously replace it with its healing equivalent. 

In this way, progressively, your beliefs will be modified. They will stop being your worst enemies and will become your allies towards success and happiness. Your mind will be programmed to find the beauty and abundance around you and to remind you every day that it is great to be you.

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