Good People Don’t Know They Are

Good people don't know they are

Good people don’t have wings on their backs or fairy dust in their pockets. They usually wear a worried expression on their faces because they want to arrive in time to do this, to solve the other, to have a coffee with that friend and take away his sorrows by drawing hope …

They never expect anything in return or see any obligation in their actions. Sometimes, there are those who say of them that they are somewhat naive, that they give too much of themselves and that any day, they will pay them with a disappointment.

Sometimes , for example, we can make an effort every day to attend to that friend who is having a bad drink. We offer you everything you need, we give you support and comfort, to later discover that you have left only your absence and no thanks.

In reality, good people don’t often seek or expect such gratitude. Good people do not want anything in return because their actions are always born from the heart and authenticity; it is impossible for them to act otherwise.

Now, despite not wanting gratitude, what they should expect is at least recognition. Many times, good hearts also end up fraying when they do not give more of themselves, when they give their last breath, remaining naked on an empty stage. Let’s reflect on it today.

Good people don’t carry banners

Surely you too will meet someone who tends to proclaim how much he does for others. He explains everything he has renounced, exalts his values ​​and virtues, outlining great benefits with a slightly victimizing air.

Boy thinking about good people

There are those who say that in reality, good people do not abound, or even more, that they do not exist. Nothing is further from reality. We are sure that you also know someone who knows how to look you in the eye and promise that everything will turn out better than you expect, or that when he says goodbye to you he tells you that of “let me know when you get home to know that you’re okay ”.

They are people who shine without knowing it, and that you always want to have by your side. They do not know about incongruities, their character is always the same, they do not speak the language of double meaning or selfishness, and also, they know how to read your sentences to you without the need for you to translate them into words.

If today you have with you a person of these characteristics in the form of a friend, a partner or a relative, retain its essence, preserve it, take care of it and protect it in your hands like those magical fireflies that offer us hope at night of darkness.

The courage and delicate fragility of good people

Girl lying thinking looking at the horizon

Good people are souls full of courage and bravery. They have taken care of their own in good times and bad, they have given up many things for the good of others, and nothing, absolutely nothing of it weighs on them or causes regret or frustration.

It does not matter how diligent they always seem to us, it does not matter the efforts that we see them make every day wearing their best smiles, as if nothing weighs behind their backs, as if no concern inhabits their minds.

Good people deserve recognition

We all need our efforts to be recognized, because recognition places us in the world, personalizes us, integrates us in a context, in a family, in a relationship, be it friendship or partner.

It is not about giving thanks, nor is it about “returning the favor.” It is about recognizing the person for what they are, for their acts full of kindness, altruism, good intentions and above all, love.

Love that ceases to be recognized becomes weak and ill. That is why, in turn, good people must also be capable of refusing, opposing, and even breaking ties with those who harm them.

Image Courtesy: Mariana Kalacheva, Laura Diehl

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