6 Sentences From The Book The Knight In Rusty Armor To Reflect On

6 phrases from the book The Knight in Rusty Armor to ponder

The phrases in the book The Knight in Rusty Armor offer us great lessons in self-knowledge. In this narrative adventure we are witnesses of that inner alchemy that all of us, in some way, should go through at some time. Few works are so simple as well as evocative about human transformation and that attempt to learn to be better.

Something that is undoubtedly curious, as well as fascinating about this work, is its author. Robert Fisher, was one of the best comedy scriptwriters in the world of film, theater and television. He worked for Groucho Marx, Lucille Ball or Bob Hope. This author had an exceptional career in the world of writing, as well as a wonderful art to bring us a more optimistic and constructive vision of life.

His ability to make the viewer laugh went hand in hand with reflection. From that reflection capable of making us see our own limitations and potentialities. His extensive experience as a humorist and playwright endowed him with that innate ability to awaken consciences and to make his self-help works an accessible, original and evocative way to facilitate our personal development.

book containing the phrases of the book The Knight in Rusty Armor

Phrases from the book The Knight in Rusty Armor

The central story of this work brings us to a very unique gentleman. We are before a man at first sight admirable: brave, does (apparently) noble actions and is generous … Now, it does not take long to realize something. He lives so bewitched by the shine of his own armor that he does not appreciate what he has.

His blindness reaches the point of neglecting his surroundings . Unable to value anything more than his own virtues, one day he perceives something very singular: his armor stops shining; it is rusting. Captive of himself, he embarks on a journey of spiritual initiation and transformation to free himself from multiple barriers. It is then that through original characters and experiences, he leaves us great learnings.

The phrases in the book The Knight in Rusty Armor are undoubtedly samples of that knowledge, of that awakening that we should all promote.

1. What’s under our armor

The gentleman had the full conviction that he was good and generous. However, his actions did not show such nobility, such qualities. Beneath his gleaming armor was someone who needed to be polished to make up for his great shortcomings.

This character was capable of fighting fierce battles to face everything that he considered evil. However, at no time did he become aware of that enemy that he had inside him, of that enraged dragon that had his true “me” trapped.

Let’s think that we all, somehow, wake up each day with our own rusty armor. Those in which we camouflage unresolved internal realities, resistances that limit us, that turn off our authentic being.

man representing the phrases of the book The Knight in Rusty Armor

2. Emotional relief

Recognizing our own needs and making contact with those emotions stuck inside us are the first step to free ourselves from the weight of our armor. To remove that rust and shine again, nothing better than oxygenate spaces, than to relieve tension, cry …

3. Become aware of what is important

This is one of the phrases in the book The Knight in Rusty Armor that should most invite us to reflect. Our knight crosses territories, countries and kingdoms to do good. He saves, defends, protects and fights against (what he considers to be) evil. Now this character has come to nurture a greater love for his own armor than for his family.

His wife Julieta and their son hardly occupy a place in his memory. You have neglected what is truly important. Therefore, let us not forget that we are all free to move, to grow and advance, but at the same time, it is necessary that we become aware of our roots: of what is important.

4. The here and now

Appreciating the present moment, being receptive to what surrounds us is a way of becoming aware of what has real value. Placing your gaze on your own ego, on what we did yesterday or will do tomorrow, further rusts our armor. The true light is found in the present moment, where our opportunities are, where our happiness can occur.

man fighting a dragon representing the phrases from the book The Knight in Rusty Armor

5. Love for oneself

There is a moment in the book where the knight can’t take it anymore. He has advanced so much in the forest of his unconscious that he only thinks of fleeing, of returning to his family. Now, later on he realizes something: he can’t go back yet because he doesn’t know how to take care of himself. Someone who does not know how to take care of himself and who does not love himself, will hardly be able to love others as they deserve.

That is therefore our first step in any personal transformation: cultivating healthy self-love, learning to value ourselves, to heal ourselves, to take care of ourselves.

6. Silence as a listening channel

This is another of the most interesting phrases in the book The Knight in Rusty Armor . In the play, the knight himself must confront the dragon of his thoughts in the midst of solitude and the most rigorous silence. Such a situation is not comfortable, because there are too many mental noises, and also, there are his unconscious shells, those that prevent him from accessing his authentic being to defeat the false self …

Breaking them to clarify your needs, and embracing your authentic self is something you will achieve in that silent setting. There where there is no other option but to listen.

Knight in a lake

7. Confusing love with need

Another lesson that this book leaves us is the importance of knowing how to differentiate between need and love. Necessity means requiring the other person for life to have meaning. In these cases, the other is used to fill their own deficiencies, which are the product of insecurity, lack of self-love and anguish.

In this way, the person who needs another, seeks to be satisfied through the other and, when he does not meet expectations, then he suffers. Loving someone, on the other hand, is accepting the other as they are. Love is free, it is detachment, it is seeking the welfare of the other and enjoying it.

8. Acceptance as a way to happiness

Sometimes life is not what we want, but resisting what happens will not change the facts, on the contrary, it will cause more suffering. That is why it is essential to understand that frustration usually depends on our expectations.

If we feed unrealistic expectations and they are not met, we will feel frustrated and dissatisfied. Those kinds of thoughts make us settle in complaints and bitterness. Therefore, the acceptance of reality as it is, will help us to live the setbacks with peace and serenity.

In conclusion. There is a fact worth commenting on Robert Fisher, the author of the book. On more than one occasion, he explained that the idea for this book came from various near-death experiences.  Life confronted him with this limit on different occasions, and in all of them his own voice told him:  “You must not die. You have not yet accomplished what you have come to do ”.

This book was his mission, and that experience with him also transformed his life. They were 6 and a half years dedicated to this work, where these phrases from the book The Knight in Rusty Armor remind us that we too have a mission to find our purpose, but first we have to free ourselves from our armor.

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