This Short Will Teach You Why Every Child Deserves The Best

This short will teach you why every child deserves the best

Every child deserves the best, every being that comes into this world has a beauty and an authenticity that make it exceptional. If we make an effort to put aside fears, prejudices and limitations, we will make this world an exceptional setting for all these creatures.

“Partly Cloudy” is a wonderful short from the Pixar factory that makes us think and invites us to watch it over and over again. It is not only the aesthetic beauty of the images that dazzles us, behind it, a whole series of values ​​and principles are opened to which, we cannot remain indifferent.

We know that it is not always easy to educate a child. Sometimes, and without our knowing very well why, they come with their particular “spikes”, with “their electric shocks”, but that is not why we are going to give up. As the stork in this short teaches us, it is enough to put on your helmet …   and embark on the adventure of life.

In this world every child deserves the best, without differences

short clouds and storks where it is represented that every child deserves the best

Storks never stop on their round trips. The cycle of life never ends and the creative clouds give shape and breath to every creature, every living being. Some children are calm and sweet, on the other hand, other creatures appear with their unique faces, with their difficult and threatening characters.

In the short of “Partly Cloudy” you will meet a whole series of white and clear clouds that offer their storks beautiful children, adorable kittens, and creatures that give off docility. Now, among all those clouds there is a “partially cloudy” that between lightning and thunder, gives life to sharks, crocodiles or porcupines. Our stork does not quite understand why she has had such hard work, why her children are so naughty and threatening.

The challenge of educating: when a child comes into the world

  • None of us can choose how we would like our children to be. Just as no teacher or professor makes a selection of how he wants the students to educate, to instruct.
  • Each child has particularities, needs, and something that we must be clear about is that we cannot and must not “model” the character of our children, expecting them to be reflections of us. Our job as parents or teachers is to give them the best so that they can be happy.

Something common that many parents complain about is the difference in the personality of the siblings. Some only offer calm and others bring storms. How to face these situations, and this educational challenge?

  • Avoid comparing, avoid always praising one brother over the other.
  • Assume that siblings do not have to share characters, respect their differences and always treat them in the same way.
  • Guide every day, listen every day and set limits and rules for everyone equally.
Pixar_PartlyCLoudy short every child deserves the best

The boy who brings more storms than clear days

A difficult child is always a child who will demand more attention, and this requires an effort on our part. Don’t try to find a why, don’t want to look for a genetic or moral explanation for why that child is more complicated.

Accept it in its entirety and think that every child deserves the best that we can give, that every child needs the best version of ourselves to serve as a model, support and guidance.

  • It is possible that a dark and playful cloud like the one in the short has shaped its defiant or quarrelsome character, but you too will have to put on that “helmet” just like our stork does to face those daily attacks.
  • Educate their emotions, attend to their anger and control their angry moments. It is possible that behind these behaviors there are feelings that you do not know how to manage, show or control.
  • Educate by example, with positive reinforcement rather than sanction or punishment. Every difficult child tends to react negatively to a scream, or a raised reproach for everything. Do not do it . Make him reflect on his behavior, invite him to think, to feel, to empathize.

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