What Is Environmental Psychology?

Environmental psychology seeks to improve society through the identification of problems in those physical environments where human beings coexist
What is environmental psychology?

Hearing such authoritative voices as that of Terri Swearingen, who affirms that “we live on Earth as if we had another one to go to”, gives food for thought. This is how we understand why environmental psychology is increasing in popularity day by day.

In this sense, it should be remembered that  Kurt Lewin was one of the first psychologists to study this same topic. He stood up as a pioneer capable of making us see for the first time, the influence that the environment could have on our behavior. Hence realities such as stress, greater or lesser productivity and even well-being.

To understand what exactly environmental psychology is, we can imagine, for example, in an office and all the dynamics that occur there. If there is harmony, respect and motivation, employees will feel good and the company will achieve its goals. Now, if the environmental climate is oppressive, rigid and inhabited by negative emotions, the discomfort will be evident.

The truth is that in recent years this topic has grown in importance and recognition. That is why in this article we echo its postulates, its objectives, its approaches and practical uses.

What is environmental psychology?

Environmental psychology is in charge of analyzing the relationship of people with the environment. In this case, two types of environments are distinguished: natural ones and those created by humans. That is, its theoretical field is interdisciplinary in nature and focuses on behavioral and psychological variables related to our interaction in the various environments that surround us.

In this way, studies such as those carried out by the doctor 

  • This science focuses its study on examining fundamental processes such as the perception of landscapes and buildings by a person or groups of people.
  • Relational processes, personality, attitudes, emotions and cognitions are also analyzed.
  • It is important to take into account aspects such as overcrowding, the built environment, the existence or not of natural spaces.

It is understandable that the interest of this field of study is maximum, since the relationship between people and media is inseparable. Thus, situations such as a child’s school performance can be analyzed according to the classroom he is in or the psychological state of a person in a polluted city, to give a couple of easy-to-understand examples.

Hand holding part of nature to represent environmental psychology

This psychological field tries to predict ways in which the variables of the physical environment will influence people. From the interaction of both actors, an ethical component can be extrapolated, which seeks formulas to find global solutions in various fields, from business to personal.

How is this discipline applied?

Since the human being is increasingly aware of caring for the planet and the environment, this psychological discipline has gained in popularity. In fact, its implementation has grown a lot from an environmental point of view.

However, also in terms of performance, this kind of psychology has grown a lot. Today , architectural environments are sought that promote certain behaviors, such as high productivity, increased performance, a more relaxed mood, etc.

  • Also in public aspects, such as urban planning, this discipline is taken into account.
  • A greater well-being of the individual is sought in a more sociable and comfortable environment.
  • Regarding the business field, as we have mentioned before, the search for greater employee well-being usually results in high productivity. Thus, its application also has interesting consequences.

Approaches to environmental psychology

Once we know what environmental psychology is and what it consists of, it is worth delving into its current work approaches.

1. Solution to environmental problems

In general, the main field of action focuses on the identification and resolution of environmental problems. We work on the performance of the human being to draw up a plan that can solve the action of man when correcting errors.

In this sense, the discipline focuses a lot on the habitability of cities and the care of natural environments. To do this, work is being done on reducing pollution levels globally.

2. Analysis of social and psychological factors

It is often used frequently in social integration programs. It is due to its ability to analyze psychological and social factors in specific areas. Thus, experts on the subject such as the environmental psychologist Harold Proshansky point out that this science in turn has a very clear purpose based on values.

His commitment, after all, is to improve society through the identification of problems.

Woman observing nature

4. Influence of the past

Another common focus of this discipline is related to the influence of past factors on current problems in a particular place. The evolution and the variables are analyzed over a period of time to study the possible relationship.

5. Interdisciplinary approaches

We also find an interdisciplinary approach, since they are usually integrated with other fields of study, such as cognitive, developmental or even organizational psychology. As we have already mentioned, environmental psychology is also applied in design, architecture, economics, planning, politics, etc.

There is no doubt that this is a discipline that is as unknown as it is exciting. Human beings are the product of a planet that sees us being born and dying. Hence, our relationship with the environment and the environment is basic to define ourselves as a species.

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