7 Traits That Identify A Misanthrope

7 traits that identify a misanthrope

Alan Moore, a renowned writer, novelist, musician, and misanthrope once said that ” the whole world is a stage. ” But curiously, people who think and feel like him, and himself, hate this scenario because of its protagonists, generally humans.

Because misanthropy is understood as a psychological disposition characterized by the rejection of the human species. Moreover, its etymological root means hatred of the human being, hence the origin of its contempt.

What traits identify a misanthrope?

Interestingly, the psychological disposition of the misanthrope is not only natural, but often arises from feeling, but also from reflection. In fact, their profiles often appear as that of people from whom we would expect great mental capacity and high levels of thinking. So your beliefs and feelings also emerge from reflection.

Moreover, it could be said that the rejection of the misanthrope by the human species arises from deep reflection. That is to say, his hatred of the human is not really natural, but the work of very elaborate thinking. Therefore, among its features, it is not strange to find certain behaviors.

Woman with anger and hatred who has broken a glass

They tend to sadism

Misanthropic people show a certain tendency towards sadism. They are not capable of showing mercy, so human suffering does not affect them or affects them little. In fact, they do not relate it to a moral fact, unless it affects them personally.

They are considered superior

As we have mentioned, they are usually highly intelligent and very thoughtful profiles. Thus, it is not surprising that one of its distinguishing features is superiority. Moreover, since the human is a despicable figure, they are clear that they will always be above the rest, no matter how skilled another being may be.

They like to be alone and rarely relate

Since they are not comfortable with other people, misanthropes enjoy being alone, especially in their free time. In fact, they prefer to spend it with animals rather than humans. Thus, they are related just enough for work or family reasons, but as soon as they can, they flee from the company of other people.

They respect the rules when they have no choice.

A misanthrope may reluctantly accept the rules, but they are generally looked down upon; and, if they can, they skip them. For them, there is only one moral and behavioral code that is their own. Any other objective than themselves is superfluous, since it has no value.

They don’t feel sorry

The misanthropic human being does not usually feel sorry for the misfortunes of others, unless they are of animals, in which case they could be affected. However, faced with human death, for example, they do not tend to show feelings of understanding or empathy. What’s more, they can even see it as something positive, as some consider it a liberation.

Angry man

They do not understand participatory spaces

For a person suffering from misanthropy, participation is real torture. For them, parties, meetings and any collective act is incomprehensible and they flee from it. Whether they are political, social, non-profit institutions or organizations, etc., they find it overwhelming and, what is worse, worthy of contempt.

They have a morality of their own

Just as they detest social and legal norms, since it is their behavior that governs them, they also have their own morals. In fact, they are capable of creating an ethic of their own, simply tailored to a person, herself.

Recognized misanthropes

At the beginning of this article we talk about Alan Moore, an artist who considers himself a recognized misanthrope. However, it is said that Jack Nicholson, the famous actor, also has a similar way of thinking.

So, to get an idea, there is a rumor (perhaps quite true) that the film Better Impossible , starring Jack Nicholson, could reflect his real personality to some extent, showing certain misanthropic traits. If you remember the movie, surely you recognize certain facts of misanthropy in the main character. A sullen, lonely man who seeks minimal social interaction, always with the same people and when he has no choice.

You already get an idea of ​​what is known as a misanthrope. Without a doubt, a unique profile and difficult to understand by most. In fact, taken to the extreme it is a problem that requires professional intervention.

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